Chapter 29

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"Here." I gave Nick a cup of hot chocolate "Thanks." He whispered.

"So what the hell happened?" Damon exclaimed a glass of bourbon in his hand.

30 minutes ago
"Holy." Damon said "Shit." I finished for him. Tyler was at the door with a small, dark brown dog...well wolf.

The wolf had bright, glowing, amber eyes

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The wolf had bright, glowing, amber eyes. He was small, but bigger than a normal dog. Tyler had a blank face.

"I-I-I don't know what ha-p-pened, Caroline told me to come here." Tyler fumbled over his words.

The wolf was growling at Damon "Who the hell is this?" He asked, I looked at the dog and bent down.

He stopped growling and his eyes stopped glowing. He licked my face making me giggle "Madison." Damon Warned and I sighed. I was about to move back when I looked into it's eyes.

Dark brown, innocent eyes, eyes just like my best friend.

"Nick." I gasped
"I was meeting up with some guys at the grill, I didn't want to leave Nick by himself at home." Tyler explained.

"Everything was fine until we were leaving, a guy came up knocked me against the brick wall." He said

"Who was he?" Damon asked, Tyler shrugged "I don't know, but he was strong...he got some hits on me." Ty said.

"I almost had him, when he threw my onto a car. Nick comes in, a random long metal pole he found in the alley and swings it at his legs knocking him down." Ty said.

"The guy hit his head a little too hard, and starts bleeding out." Tyler said slowly, I looked at Nick realizing what happened.

"I don't get it it's not a full moon, how'd he turn." Damon asked "The guy said something, before know." Ty said.

"What?" I asked him "He said 'It's all apart of the plan'." Nick spoke up, slowly. Damon had a puzzled face.

"What?! What plan?" He asked, they both shrugged "How do you two know about us anyways?" Tyler asked.

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