Not A Mistake

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AUTHOR'S Note: This chapter is dedicated and all chapters referring to Troy and Dylan's relationship are dedicated to all my beautiful LGBTQ friends out there. I can't imagine your struggle, but I do know that everyone deserves to be treated with love and respect. This world would be a better place if we just learned to love, accept, and respect each other's differences. mingineee, I LOVE YOU, MY FELLOW KING!


Sophie and Troy walk together towards his car after school. She holds her backpack steady on her back gripping the straps tightly with her hands; Troy gestures her to stop, placing a five-dollar bill inside the slot and grabbing two soda cans out of the machine for each of them.

"What? No soda for me? I get it, it's because I'm not long-haired and beautiful like Sophie huh?" Dylan startles them, walking behind them.

Troy chuckles and hands him his can of soda." I was kidding man, I'll get my own." Dylan smiles, pushing the soda back to Troy.

"Nah, it's cool. You can have it. I'll get another one." He says as he turns and places another bill and grabs another soda off the machine.

"Thanks, man. Are you sure?" Dylan asks as he looks at him with a smile.

"Yeah, it's fine. No worries. I Hope Cherry Pepsi is ok? It's my favorite." He looks at him and winks his eye.

"Yeah, it's fine. I prefer Dr. Pepper but, I see they only have Pepsi machines here. This will do fine. Thanks, Troy." Dylan smiles, opening the soda can and sipping from it, "I guess I'll see you two tomorrow. I'm off to practice." He says as he winks at both and walks away.

Troy looks at Sophie with a gleam in his eyes and bites his lower lip, making Sophie roll her eyes.

"That boy does shit that makes me have dirty daydreams. I can't! I just can't." He laughs widening his eyes.

"Oh gross T' I really don't need to know you're having dirty daydreams; or wet dreams for that matter. OH, I bet you already had those too, didn't you?" She squints her eyes and walks away, followed by Troy.

"Well! Can you blame me? Look at him. He's got this tight abs and man that six- no, that eight pack he's got going on Soph!"

She looks back with her eyes wide open. "You saw him naked already? Oh my god, Troy!" He giggles as she whispers her words to him to keep the conversation private.

"No bitch! I didn't see him naked, well, not completely. We went shopping yesterday, remember? He took off his shirt to try on a few shirts he bought yesterday, that's all." He shrugs his shoulders, muttering out his words to keep the conversation between the two as students walk past them.

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