My Birthday Girl

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Monday Morning. Sophie's birthday.

I woke up super early today and text everyone that was going to help me surprise Sophie today. I wanted her day to be special.

I was also nervous because we also had to turn in our assignment today with Mrs. McGee. I was dreading that part. But, I think overall, we did just great on that assignment. We for sure have a set grade on that assignment.

Sophie had gone home to sleep, it was a bit weird to not have her in my arms when I woke up. Seems crazy how you become accustomed to having someone you truly love wake up next to you every morning that when they're suddenly not here it feels alienated. It just feels like something important is missing in your life. I love my girl, I can't explain how special she is to me. She's everything. My world.

There were a lot of guys I had asked to help me with this task. They all agreed, and I was especially thankful for T and Lexie who were more than willing to help make this happen.

I decided to make one last text after I had gotten ready for school and ate a quick bite before heading out. I text Sophie quickly letting her know I was on my way to pick her up for school. It was the week of Thanksgiving. We only had school today and the whole rest of the week off.

It was odd, usually, dad was already here by now.

I guess perhaps his plane had been delayed or he was too caught up with work. Either way, it didn't matter. Mom and he do nothing but argue lately anyway. It's all the same whether he came or not.

Logan- Hey beautiful, on my way to pick you up. Dress warm, it looks like it might snow soon.

I smiled as I pressed send and placed my phone back in my back pocket. I wore a black hoodie and placed my jacket over it, with dark jeans and black timberland boots. I grabbed my keys and wallet from the table next to the door and gave a quick kiss to mom saying goodbye.

Sophie- Ok love, see you soon.

My heart skipped a beat at her text. I loved her calling me that for some reason. I got in my car, followed by Ashley and Meghan.

I gave Ashley a ride to school, Meghan sat on the back seat while I drove up to Sophie's house after we made a quick stop at Coffee Bean to get her hot cocoa.

I was just about to send her another text to let her know I was here when she came out with her backpack strapped to her back. She wore a cute winter coat with dark jeans and boots, and a dark burgundy beanie on her head to keep her warm. She looked beautiful and cozy.

She smiled and got in the car, kissing me on my lips and placing her hand over my jawline.

"Hey, handsome. I missed you." She said with a warm smile, making me wink and smile back.

"You look beautiful today babe," I said biting my lip, causing a blush on her cheeks.

"Thank you." She said smiling back.

I grabbed her arm and kissed her knuckles. Meghan was lost in her phone, scrolling through it.

"Happy Birthday Sophie." She finally spoke out, beating me to it. Sophie looked back towards her and smiled.

"Thanks, Megs." She said smiling, then she turned to look at me with a smile.

I slid my hand behind her neck and pulled her to me, claiming her lips. "Happy birthday baby girl," I whispered between our kissing.

"Ok, ok come on you love birds, let's get out of here," Meghan calls out making me chuckle. Sophie's face turned to a rosy tone.

We drove to school. Sophie was enjoying her hot cocoa and talking to Meghan the whole ride there. I found a parking spot and placed my car in it.

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