Tortuous Ties

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To @CharlieBlissUWU you're cute ❤️ thanks for reading, voting and commenting 😭


Tortuous: Full of unexpected twists and turns.


I groaned in pain as a harsh light shone directly on my closed eyes. There was a painful throbbing in my temples enflamed by the light overhead. I tried to move my arm to cover my eyes but for some reason, it wouldn't move. I forced my eyes open, stiffly moving my head to look upwards.

I was tied up to a bedpost. My wrists were fastened together by a coarse rope, the thread cutting into my skin. It was abrasive, my skin red and swollen around the tight knot.

Suddenly, the memories of last night washed over me. He had come into my house, I slit his throat but he was still alive. And then, he had kissed me and made me faint by suffocation. I quickly assessed my aching body. There didn't seem to be any telltale signs that he had done anything else. I sighed with relief and then reminded myself that there was no relief. I was tied up in a foreign place with a potential narcissistic sociopath - according to my quick diagnosis.

My familiar cream coloured walls had been replaced with a plain white. The room was large and spacious, with an ensuite bathroom that I could spot because the door was slightly ajar. There were no visible cupboards, only sparsely placed furniture. The whole room, the bedsheets, the carpet, everything was white.

I dragged my legs up so I could sit upright and close to the bedpost, much to the chagrin of my protesting back. My clothes from the night before had been replaced with a flowy long white nightshirt which only accentuated the bruise marks on my body.

I had no idea where I was. He had obviously succeeded in kidnapping me.

Not he. Mikhail.

For some reason, he had decided to tell me his name just before I lost consciousness. Maybe he thought I wouldn't remember, but I did.

I gazed at my tied wrists in anger. Those knots were tied properly so unless I had a knife, I wouldn't be able to get myself free.

I tried tugging one more time just in case but all I received was a sharp pain in my wrists.

I looked around the room once again to see if I had missed anything when my gaze fell upon the large window with the curtains pushed back. Although I couldn't see completely, I could tell I was in a completely different area to Colsens. I could see lots of trees and houses that were big but didn't seem to be as massive as this one. I caught a glimpse of people walking in and out of the woods which I assumed surrounded this property. Wherever I was, it was really isolated.

The panic hit me like a tidal wave. I was in an unidentifiable place, taken by a man with a vendetta who had no moral or mortal limits. If this really was some sort of closed-off community, no one would be willing to help most likely. I would still try though.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching my room and I quietly dropped back into bed and pretended to be asleep. I was less likely to be hurt if they thought I was sleeping. I might even catch some snippets of conversation.

I heard the sound of a key turning in the lock and then the door swung open. I held my breath in an attempt to slow down my breathing. There were light footsteps as someone made their way toward me, stopping at the side of the bed.

"Goodness", an elderly feminine voice whispered as I felt a light touch on my wrists. I forced myself to keep my eyes shut as naturally as possible as she peered closely at my face.

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