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Taehyung slammed the piece of paper of the patient that had the photo of somebody who, to the average person's eyes, was handsome and had perfectly placed facial features, but behind that face was somebody who was psychopathic, sociopathic, and ju...

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Taehyung slammed the piece of paper of the patient that had the photo of somebody who, to the average person's eyes, was handsome and had perfectly placed facial features, but behind that face was somebody who was psychopathic, sociopathic, and just mentally ill--but nobody had been able to diagnose him.

As Taehyung walked in, the first thing he saw was the man himself in a strait jacket, behind a glass divider between him and Taehyung, with his head back against the wall with one leg up. Taehyung sat down on the opposite side of the glass divider and started to talk.

'"Hello! My name is Kim Taehyung. I'm here. "

"You're here to evaluate me to see if there's anything wrong with me." The Joker had finished his new psychiatrist's sentence: "I've got something to tell you, doc! You people have tried several times to evaluate me and come up with nothing. Why don't you just let me go? "

"Because you've killed many innocent people." They were not involved in anything. You also tried to escape several times as well. " Taehyung looked at the Joker. That was how Jeongguk was named by the others and himself. He was reciting what was written on the document: "Now you can make this painless and easier for me if you tell me about yourself."

"You know, Doc? You seem to be very interested, hm? All my previous therapists would ask me a question or two and then torture me. Why so, doc? "

"This is my job... um Mr.J? That is my way of working. Nothing less..nothing more. "

Taehyung leaned closer to Jeongguk and starred at his features. "You now, doc? You have pretty big eyes and a cute face. "You pretty much remind me of a puppy," he said, "Pretty pretty."

Taehyung just ignored him and moved on to the next question, "How about you tell me for yourself?"

"Ohh, I like you! Others would be nervous to even dare to talk with me. " He sat up and walked to the glass, never leaving eye contact with Taehyung. "Nut just because I like you doesn't mean you will make me talk, doc."

"I can wait as well," Taehyung said.


It was now lunch time. Taehyung and Bogum made their way to the cante together. Then they got a burger or a sandwich and sat at one of the empty tables.

"Tae, you alright? Why aren't they sweating? Or terrified? "

"Should I be?

"Usually whoever leaves the room with him goes to the bathroom and cries..or vomits." he said. "So did you figure out something?"

"Nope, I took some notes but it's nothing very important." Taehyung took a big bite of his hamburger.

"Tae, do you even eat?" Bogum asked Taehyung, who was wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"I do." But usually I don't have the appetite after coming from this. " Taehyung said, looking at Mr. J's paper. Taehyung noticed that he had caramel skin but a bit lighter and blonde-ish hair. But the man in the room had skin as white as snow and black hair. Taehyung noticed that he had caramel skin but a bit lighter and blonde-ish hair. "Bogum-hyung, do you have any idea when this photo was taken?"

"I'm not sure Tae, probably the first time he attempted to be applied here." Taehyung was still deeply starring at the photo. "Careful Tae, you seem too interested in him."

"N-no..that's not it. I just can not figure out how a good-looking guy like him can be so damaged..''


It was another hour of silence. Taehyung decided to go with a different topic. "I heard you like to play with people and then when you eventually get bored, kill them?"

"Aww, I'm sure you will enjoy it too. It becomes a habit with the years, don't you think so? " Jeongguk sighed at him.

"Your real name, what is it?" 

"Pff, not that far, doll. I'm not going to be that free with you. "

"And I'm supposed to just call you Mr.J? Good then."

"Wait, wait, not fair. If you're going to call me like that, then I'm supposed to think of a nickname too.."

"You know..who's Harley?" The joker said,  raising his head to look up at Taehyung.

"A criminal? An enemy? "Taehyung questioned.

"Someone I created in my mind..someone who will be mine will one day be called by Harley."

"I see... I have to go now. Tomorrow we will have to meet again. And whether they like it or not, they have got to remove the glass. "

"Very well...Goodbye, Harley " The Joker whispered.

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