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Maybe removing the glass was the worst decision they would ever make.

It was as if they had removed the boards between the two of them, as if they had let the monster out of the cage. Letting the monster get his prey He drives the nails at the poor creature until he owns him, until it's his and only his.

That's a short description of what happened when Jeon Jeongguk had the chance to breath the same air as Kim Taehyung. To see his crystal blue eyes up close, rather than through the glass.

People like Taehyung were easy to manipulate. It was a piece of cake, at least for the criminal Jeon Jeongguk.

It's not all about the manipulation. Every action, word, and move can get under the other's skin.

The boy thought he wouldn't let any stranger, or even a criminal such as Jeon Jeongguk, in. He thought he would be the first one who would help to "fix" the criminal. even if 'fix' was the right word for this situation.

But people like this can not be fixed. Never.

Kim Taehyung was going to realise it in the hardest possible way. By getting through it. I feel how, instead of fixing anyone, he is breaking himself. He is letting himself be manipulated. It feels as if you are selling your soul to the devil.

Taehyung shookily opened the door. And as soon as he entered in, his eyes caught up with Jeongguk's, with legs on the desk and sucking a cheap lollipop, as they wouldn't give him anything else that would get him the perspective as a fag.

"Welcome welcome, Mr. Therapist!" Jeongguk left a chuckle, his lips forming a smirk. "What a great conversation we're having today, hmm?"

Oh, his talks were definitely not helping Taehyung. They closed the thick door, leaving only the two of them in the room. The boy sighed hopelessly and licked his lips. "Would you move your legs away?" He tried to ask in the most polite way he could.

"Why would I do it, Mr. Therapist?" he said as he sucked the black lollipop one last time before tossing it in the bin next to him. ''And asking so impolitely about it. I won't listen to anyone's orders, doll. "

"What do you want me to do? stand up or to lay on the ground? "

"Beg." he slowly said, lowering his voice an octave deeper. "In this life, you get anything if you beg. Beautiful people like you could get anything if they begged." he infromed, the smirk not leaving his lips.

"So... what do we say, doll?"

Taehyung didn't want to say it. He didn't want to beg anyone, especially him. Did he have a choice? "Please..." he lowly said, looking at the desk but not the other male.

"Louder, doll."

"P-please move away so I can do my work." he said, this time a bit louder, still not enough. Although Jeongguk heard him.

He moved his legs away, but instead he stood up and placed both his hands on the desk. He leaned closer to Taehyung, who kept his notebook close to his chest. They were dangerously close. feeling the other's breathing and heartbeats.

Jeon Jeongguk was playing with Taehyung's heartbeat. "Good, doll. I love it when you beg me. sounds so sinful to my ears, y'know? ", he huskily whispered, making Taehyung blush.

"Hmm, cute." Jeongguk observed Taehyung's actions of blushing. He had only known him for a short time and already desired him.

Jeonggukk caressed Taehyung's soft cheek with his thumb and said. Don't be so afraid. Talk to me, princess. You know, I wouldn't hurt you. Not someone like you." Then the black-haired male made contact with Taehyung.

Taehyung weakened too quickly. Too fast. He was letting himself in too fast, too easily. It was too easy for Jeongguk.

"Shall we change our roles, hmm?"

"C-change what..? Taehyung muttered, feeling how his heart would leave his body any second. Why did it feel so right? He couldn't explain it.

"Let me do whatever I want in this session, m'kay? I already promised I wouldn't hurt you, doll."

"Stop calling me by those nicknames, Mr.Jeon." Taehyung managed to ask, making Jeongguk frown.

"Oww, I thought we could get closer. Taehyung-ah. You see, there aren't any people here I can talk with. I will communicate with you only. Don't you want to 'accept me'?''

''I am here to help you, not-'' but Taehyung stopped talking as soon as he felt how Jeongguk moved away the desk and had already placed his hands on his waist.

''Oh Kim Taehyung," he sang closer to Taehyung's lips. "I think this situation does not fit the role of a patient and doctor. Am I wrong?"

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