Chapter Thirty-eight ⭐

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Narrated by JASON

Everyone gathered at Lemon's house. There were many people there, ones that we knew like the students and teachers and some must be the neighbours and perhaps family members.

I stood by the large table getting myself some juice. Vincent joined me in silence, he grunted softly. I can not stand his presence, his whole existence bothered me but at least now I can pinpoint why I hate the guy.

"Jason?" Vincent spoke and cleared his throat. He poured himself juice that stood in a large bottle with a little tap. "Look... I'm sorry about the whole... Kin thing,"

"What, 'Kin thing, ?"

We barely started this conversation and I'm already done with it.

Vincent sighed and rubbed his eyes, he leaned closer to me and lowered his voice. "I hope you didn't tell her,"

I scoffed. I couldn't believe that Kin is missing and Vincent is worried about other things right now. I wanted to break his neck, how does he not have his priorities straight? "Relax, I didn't say anything. Nor will I. But don't you ever speak to me ever again, and stay far away from Kin once she's returned," I warned and walked away. I walked away, I wanted to get away from Vincent so I walked down the long hallway and bumped into Lemon's mother. She smirked like I was just the person she wanted to see.

"Ma'am! Sorry for walking around in your home,"

She placed her hand on my shoulder. Sending shivers down my spine, I get an off aura from this woman. Should probably listen to my gut since I'm a part witch? "No problem. I want to show you something,"

I raised an eyebrow. Why would she want to show me something? We don't know each other, heck, I couldn't even stand her child. "No thank you," I didn't want to be near her, not one bit, "I have to get back to the others, ma'am."

She chuckled. "Mrs Aliye. Please it won't be long. It has something to do with, Kin,"

Okay. She caught my attention. Mrs Aliye walked on without me and I decided to follow her. I am worried sick about Kin after all. We entered the basement, it was dark and mostly empty. She switched on the light and walked over to a table situated against the wall. I looked around the dark room wondering what this has to do with Kin? But suddenly the wall trembled and slowly opened. Kin was behind it, her hands bound. "Jason!"

My heart sprung. She looked terrible, malnourished. Her hair was rough and she was ashy pale. The veins under her skin looked like black snakes crawling all over her. Much darker than what I saw them the last time.

The chains around her wrist weren't made of any metal but from magic. It was a green strong light that held her in her place. I turned around and looked at Mrs Aliye with flared nostrils and his hands curled into fists.

"What do you think you wanna do? Jason?" Mrs Aliye asked me, "you're nothing but a weak little thing. Pathetic. And to think that your father Michael and Madison is highly respected in the magic world, only for his offspring to be this. Sarah is one of the most powerful women known in the supernatural world and her son can't even help his friend. Now, I'm not going to ask you twice, get in there,"

I looked at her, not a word could not say a thing. The eyes I gave her could kill, but only figuratively. She was right, there's nothing that I can do, why I'm so wanted is a surprise. If those who fear me could know the state I'm in, they'd laugh. I can't protect myself or even my friends. Once I was in, the wall behind me closed. I crawled up next to her and stroked her cheek. Her lips are chapped, she swallowed. Her throat was dry. "Jason," she whispered.

"Kin, are you alright?" I asked her and pulled her in for a comforting hug. "You need blood,"

She scoffed. "I know,"

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