Chapter Nineteen ⭐ 💚

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Narrated by JASON:

I sat down underneath my tree. It reminded me of how it used to be back when there was no one else and just me and my novel of the day. The tree is special to me, it's my haven but it has been invaded by outsiders. At first, I hated it but now I don't care much. The strangers don't bother me because thankfully they've caught on that I doesn't like to be bothered. So they leave me alone, especially when they see me reading a book. This time it was the romantic drama novel and I had already finished five chapters, it's the book Kin suggested I read. Because it's out of my comfort zone, speaking of, Kin, she joined me. Sat right down before me.

I flipped a page and slightly looked up at Kin hoping that she doesn't catch me starring like I always catch her. I have never met anyone who stares at me the way she does, and that's saying something because someone is always starring but eventually, they get bored but not her I am beginning to think that it's a hobby of hers. To creepily watching me when she doesn't think I'm noticing. But I do notice, her eyes are always on me and he can feel them. I have no idea what she keeps staring at, she has been changing my posture. I did my hair different because maybe she's looking at the stupid hairstyle I liked so much. I even ditched the bow ties but there's still something wrong with me because she remains studying me. I always feel her starring at me and it drives me crazy with insecurities. And I hardly ever get insecure. I looked at her this morning, she had this sombre look on her face.

With her eyebrows slightly frowning and her big red lips pouting. She didn't do anything. She just sat there in bad posture and looked at the green grass that we were sitting on. I didn't know what to do or what to say. I'm not one for small talk, I hate it. I opened my mouth a few times but no words emerged so I mustered up all the courage I had and cleared my throat.

This instantly drew her attention, her eyes fell on mine. I know she doesn't wear contact lenses, she says not yet. But at times her eyes are silver and at times they're human. Like right now, her big light brown eyes were warm like a hot summer afternoon and her eyes as sweet as honey. They were bewitching and radiates brilliance. They intrigued me, it always makes me feel like I could just tell her anything at any time.

"Kin, are you... like okay?"

That has been the first time in my life that I asked anyone that. I don't give a shit about anyone and their lame emotions. And I love to make it clear that I don't care. But her eyes were killing me. She tried to hide her feelings behind a small smile but it was all a lie and I could tell. She nodded her head and usually I would let it go.

"It's okay. I guess you can like talk if you want?"

I felt stupid but even I knew that it was the right thing to do. Kin put on her dazzling smile, her mood changed.

"Do you know what I'm not a monster syndrome is?"

I shook my head.

"Of course you haven't. I've just created the term because that's how I feel inside. It's when you walk in a room or down a hallway hell even the street and you know everywhere you go somebody is looking at you. Even if not everyone, is looking at you or even thinking about you. About how monstrous you are about how you might just snap, about how they shouldn't get in your way because they don't get you. Because they think that they have you all figured out,"

She sighed in frustration and pulled her hair. Her eyes fell right back into my cold eyes, but only they didn't seem as cold today. "The same measures they ignore you they fear you. Fear you might hit them or attack them or scratch them or victimize them in any kind of way. Even yell at them, haven't you ever experienced a moment like this? People fear what they don't know or understand and I just happen to fall into that mix,"

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