Chapter Sixty

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Narrated by JASON

I woke up, hidden behind bushes. Where was I? I sat upright and looked around me, the gang were all asleep. I was surprised that Maxwell's snoring didn't wake me sooner.

Hayden was twitching, poor thing must have a nightmare. But at least the worse is over now, all have to do now is get in touch with my mom. Which reminds me, I have to let her know where we are.


This time connecting with her isn't difficult anymore. Doesn't matter how far we are, we are now permanently connected. I love that. It makes me feel so much safer.

"Jason! Did you manage to escape?"

"Yes, Sarah,"


"Yes, Sarah. I just wanted to share our location."

"Picked it up, we are still far from each other, and you're so far from town. Just lay low, one thing about that hospital is that they can't let their subjects live in peace. They're actively searching for you all,"

I nodded my head. My stomach rumbled, "Yeah. But we will be fine. All of us."

"Promise me?"

"I promise you, Sarah. We will make it out in one peace."

"That's the spirit."

I scanned the whole premises around us, we were the only humans here. The nearest humans are about 90 minutes away. So if I'm going to go to town, I'll have to leave now. And be cast about it. But I'm the slowest person on earth, and everyone is exhausted. It wouldn't be fair to wake them.

But, I don't know. They'll be hungry and thirsty when they wake up. I sighed. I'll just have to be quick.

I wasn't going to run. That's one thing I hate doing, but I did speed walk. And talked to Sarah the whole time, to keep my mind busy. I didn't want it to rest because then I would start stressing. I couldn't afford to do that, because it's not progressive.

I was so relieved when I saw the town off in the distance, by then my throat was drier than my love life. I walked so fast I was practically running, I went up to the petrol station. There was a tap right there, I started drinking it. The tap stood in the shade, so the water was automatically already cool and I drank so much I thought that I would drink it all. I wiped my mouth and entered the shop right there, I took trolley and walked down the snack aisle. I had no money, but that didn't matter. I had my gift.

I grabbed a bunch of snacks, chips, sweets and cool drinks. I also took a bag of buns, some cheese and sausages. I grabbed two five litre purified water bottles and went up to the cash register. She scanned the items and Lord forgive me, told me how much I owed. I looked at her and had to get a grip of her mind. I nodded my head, how hard can mind control be? I've done so much with my mind already.

I looked deeply into her eyes, and she into mine. Perfect. I cleared my throat. "Well, won't you pay for my stuff?"

She looked at me in confusion. Shit, yeah, I'm not supposed to ask her. I'm supposed to tell her. So I tried it again, "I'm not paying for that," I told her, I got a hold of her consciousness, "I'm going to leave with everything right here. Trolley included and you're going to pay for it all. If your boss has questions, you felt bad for me. Okay?"

I held my breath waiting for her reply. She nodded her head and bagged my stuff. I let the breath out and strolled everything out. I went right back to the mountains and scanned the place for life again. I could sense a goat somewhere not for from me, so I followed my mind. I saw the goat, it was trapped between two rocks. Great. I have no idea how to hunt.

By now the sun had began to set, so I'll have to return to the others real quick. I walked up to the goat with the five litre. I threw the water out, for this moment. I hated what I had to do, but I care about Kin so much. I poked into the goat's flesh, and went as deep as I could. I pushed until I poked a hole into his flesh. Then I widened the hole. I had the blood pour directly into the bottle and filled it to the brim. When I finished I continued my journey.

I could hear their chatter as I got closer to them. Kin saw me through the bushes and rose to her feet, she ran into my arms with such force that we fell. She laid on top of me, "Jason! I will kill you,"

She said and got up, she lifted me up. "Where have you been? We were worried sick!"

"I got snacks?"

The rest came from behind the bushes and instantly started rummaging through the grocery. They ate and drank, and when they were full, we sat for while and joked.

"Right," Cara said, "we should be going."

We agreed and started walking again. We have to start moving closer to home, only once we're in Crystal Moon would we truly be safe.

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