Chapter Forty-four

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Narrated by JASON AND KIN

I dosed off and was sent into the world where they wanted me to be. Just a few trees, dry land. But nothing much to see.

I heard a loud roar. Oh, I'm in a dessert scene for a real reason.

I slowly turned around and before me stood a lion. My eyes grew, I could practically hear the heart monitors beeping like crazy. I took a step back, and he roared again. My eyes fell on those enormous pointed teeth. Its slobber dripping on the thirsty soil. The lion took a step forward and I knew I was fucked.

So I ran. I know I could never outrun a lion, but who's going to stand still while they're being gawked at like a delicious dinner? I ran, the lion caught up to me. Its jaw snapped next to my ankle, he must be attempted to take a bite.

I ran, picked up pace. Praying that I don't get killed. My chest was on fire, my throat drier than this desert vision. I ran, saw a what looked like a cliff. I had no time to think and jumped.

I landed on my feet but rolled over in the dirt. I broke my leg. I sat there, gritting my teeth trying to hold it together. But all I wanted to do was cry. It hurt so much. I held onto my leg, trying to subdue the pain, sat there until I could feel my heart beat slowing down again. Then I got up and limped away, now I need more water.


My heart skipped a beat when I heard a lion again. Turned around and saw two this time. A lioness joined. I grunted.

"You gotta be kidding me!"

I had no strength, and was with broken leg. But if I was going to survive, I better start running again. What do these people want from me? I started running again, the pain from my left leg shot shivers throughout my body. I could feel the anguish vibrating in my teeth and cheeks. So I was careful not to apply too much pressure on that leg. Just enough to get me moving.

I ran, tears blinding my view. I don't cry. It's not something I thought I could even do. But I couldn't express the pain in any other way, it's like my body recacted on its own.

More lions appeared from nowhere, where'd they come from? I ran until I saw fire. They're blocking me. Why? What for? I stood there, curising under my breath when I felt knives entering my flesh.

I let out the loudest sound that ever escaped from my lips. A scream so loud it shook me, I fell to the ground. More knives, but they weren't chewing. Just biting into my flesh as the fire neared us.

"Aren't you going to do anything?" I heard doctor Hart asking. But my gaze weakened and I passed out right there.

I opened my heavy eyelids. Doctor Hart was busy injecting me, she grinned when I came to. "Hey, how are you?"

I looked around in the room, and struggled to get up. She helped me sit upright. My left leg had a cast on.

"You're going to need to walk with crutches for a while,"

"You people are monsters,"

"We're just doing our job." She walked over to the large mirror and gave a thumbs up in it. So it's one of those mirrors where the others can see through?

Why does all of this feel like deja-vu?

"Have you ever heard of T.U.P and the C.F.S?"

I vaguely remember this dream I had. One that I've forgotten.

"Their argument is silly, don't you think? One wants supernatural beings to live how they want openly, the other wants to restrict our power. But what about the other side?"

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