Chapter Two

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Narrated by KIN:

My coven gave me the cold shoulder. I'm their princess, they would give me anything I asked for, but suddenly I'm a villain and they switched. I couldn't wait to get to school on Monday because I had to find Caitlyn. My family despise me and I can't take it anymore.

I couldn't find her, bumped into Paul though. "Did you hear?"

I nodded my head.

"It's awful," he said and shuddered, "apparently she got raped and choked to death,"

I widened my eyes. The story got spun way out of control because my father confirmed non of that happened. Perhaps it nearly happened though, but gossip had to be exaggerated. "Now my family's blaming me,"

Paul shook his head. "Nah... you wouldn't rape and kill someone,"

"No... I wouldn't, besides I was with you the whole time,"

He licked the corner of his lower lip as he looked at the ground then looked into my eyes. "Wait... why would they think it's you?"

I shrugged because I honestly don't know why they would suspect me. "Because the truth is a vampire drank from her. Emptied her, two holes found in her neck,"

Paul chuckled, "no. I get werewolf training. Zombies get zombie training, witches get magic training,"

"What are you saying?" I folded my arms.

He shook his head, "the point is. Even as a werewolf I know that if a vampire drinks from a human their DNA enter the human's bloodstream, and it takes two days for that DNA to run out of the human's system. If the human dies with the vampire's DNA still in their bloodstream they'll turn into a vampire,"

I raised my eyebrow. "Is that true?"

He shrugged. "I mean I can't speak out of experience but that's what I've heard," he rubbed my upper arms as a way to calm me and looked into my eyes, "hey. If they think it's you, let them. But gather evidence and prove them wrong. I'll help you,"

"Or I could get Caitlyn to confess, that's proof right?"

"Who's Caitlyn?"

"The one other vampire I saw at the party. It had to be her,"

"Great. We'll start at Cait. For as long as the people think the victim got strangled to death, it'll be fine."

I saw Saskia in the distance coming our way. She braided her hair back and greeted us warmly by pulling us in for a group hug. "I'm so excited that I'm not the only non-human,"

Paul and I agreed. The secrecy could eat you up, but now we can speak about that side of our life with each other as well.

"Let's go sit with, Jason,"

The mention of his name made my heart stop. People have this thing where they're afraid of Paul but I'm afraid of Jason. Our very first encounter was awkward, it was my first day and he has a seat open. I asked him two questions in the same sentence. "Hey, may I sit? Is this seat taken?" And he gave me a single response which left me confused, "no," I then asked him if he meant no I may not sit or no the seat isn't taken. To which he replied, "both,"

Saskia then offered me a seat. She sits in the row next to his. She told me that he is just that way and he hates the presence of other people. She said that it might be because of his natural appearance which struck me as off because I can't see anything wrong with the way he looks. That's why I didn't respond in shock when he looked into my eyes that first time. All I saw was this skinny paperwhite boy with pitch-black hair. His hair is gelled, parted in the middle and brushed flat to his side. Very formal. He has this black aesthetic thing going on, from his raven black hair to his black bow tie and black suspenders. But mainly to his striking black rings around his eyes. Those stand out the most to me and I don't know what he'd look like without that one feature that makes him so unique.

Kin And The KillerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon