See more : part one

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"EJ GET UP!" my little sister called out to me while heading towards my bed. Her braided hair pushed to the side while she wears her favorite costume. As she jumps on me with her small bare feet I let out a scream. 

"Uhg-AAAHHH" I yelled as the air in my lungs burst out like bombs. No response from her all I got was her laugh filling my ears and giving me life. Even though her laughter brought me happiness the jump gave me a whole lot of pain. 

I soon got ready for the first day of school. I went down to get breakfast and saw my beautiful mother wide awake. She might look wide awake but to me, she looked like if she hadn't slept in weeks. My brother once again throwing a fit about not wanting to go just like every other year. My sister barely getting up and heading straight to the bathroom. And then me regretting to come downstairs. 

"Ej pass me a hair tie!" My mother yelled across the room as she held my sister's hair up with her hand. My sister looking absolutely uncomfortable and not at all liking the idea of putting her hair up. She once told me that putting her hair up in a ponytail wouldn't make her look like her favorite Disney princess who happened to be Elsa the queen of ice and the no longer queen of Arundel. 

I passed my mom the hair tie she "asked" for and went on my way to school.   *Why is it so damn cold?*

I reached the entrance and headed in the direction of my first class just to find out that I needed to collect my school computer from the supply center. The center was on the opposite side of the school so obviously, I was going to be late for my first period. 

I got to the center to see the biggest line ever. As I get in line some faces appear to be familiar. I saw old classmates and some of my old friends from freshman year. 

I waited thirty minutes just to get my computer. I looked down on my phone just to see that class was almost over. I started running as fast as I could (which isn't fast at all) to reach my class and finally, A minute later a made it. 

"oh, you must be Ej," said a lady with a bump on her belly wearing a nice flowered dress holding her clipboard in place while directing me to my seat. As I went to sit down I hear laughter coming from the back. It's to be expected when I come into class almost forty minutes late. 

The day went by quickly and finally, I went home. Tomorrow would be the same routine all over again. 

As I was walking back home my music suddenly stopped playing through my headphones. I reach into my pocket to see my mom calling me. *Please don't tell me I have to go to the store! I can't deal with more people today*


Mom: " EJ!! were you really absent from zero period today?!" 

Me: What!? I have a zero period!!?

Mom: You've got to be kidding me! You've been there for one day! ONE! And you already missed a class!!

Me: Well in my defense getting a school computer took almost half an hour... SOOO...


*Did she just hang up on me?*

As I drag my feet back to the school to excuse my absence I bump into a curly-haired boy with earbuds in and wearing a red sweatshirt with sweats. 

"Oh...Uh-sorry my bad" He said as he stared at me with his crystal brown eyes. His collar bone showing and his hair covering his face as his hood stood around his head. His black shoes pointing towards me. 

"No don't be I turned too quickly so it's my fault" I answered while looking at him awkwardly. My eyes switching paths as I start staring at the nearest object. *Jeez my day couldn't get any worse*

"No don't be it's all good. It's aight" He answered with a raspy tone.  *It's aight? what the fuck*

"No, really it's my fault.....Umm..... I have to get going now bye" I started speed walking away without ever turning back and facing embarrassment again. *Do I hear running? Who the hell is running now?* 

I feel a pat on my shoulder and I quickly turn in shock. It's the boy with the red sweatshirt smirking at me. "Did you..need something?" I asked him with annoyance in my tone. His hood no longer around his head revealing his sharp jawline. 

"Yeah umm... It's not your fault so don't worry about it!" he spat out as if he were raping. He then started running away as if I threatened him. 

*What the fuck was that? forget it I'll excuse my absence tomorrow I'm going home*


Hello there Thank you for sticking through to the end of this chapter!!! I know this chapter was hella boring but I promise it gets better!! (I hope) 

Have a good day/evening/ night!!!

Remember that you're valid and loved. Also, remember to drink plenty of water and to get enough rest!!


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