See more: Part 10

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The images of yesterday wouldn't leave and popped up whenever Mateo was close to me. Mateo was the same as always as if the things that were said and done yesterday never happened. It's to be expected when all we really have is a friendship. The friendship of a closeted homosexually and his really straight guy friend. 

The day went on as always and Mateo and I were next to each other twenty-four seven. Things did start to change. He started complimenting me and putting his arms around me. It almost felt like he was flirting but of course not possible. 

"Wanna go to the skate park on Saturday?" Mateo's face was as red as the shade I made yesterday while painting a rainbow for my sister. His eyes were as wide as they could get. I did want to refuse because of course, it wasn't going to be just me and him but even so I accepted the invitation. 

"Ok but don't come picking me up. I don't like it and I can't have my mom knowing I'm heading to a skate park two hours away from home. So we'll meet up at the school. OK?"

"Nah, It's gonna get really lonely and I wanna walk with you all the way there. so how about I meet you at the light near the rite aid. How about that?" 

"Ok then I can work with that" 

"Ok then shorty"

We're going to meet at six a.m in front of the rite aid and to be completely honest it sounds like a date. Well to me at least. 

Mateo and I head to P.E and get change into our P.E clothes and wait for class to start. He talks to his friends about how he wants to learn an ollie then gets interrupted by the bell that tells us that class has started. My number is twenty-seven while his number is 15. He signals to me that today would be the day we play baseball- sorry- softball. 

We ended up on separate teams and were to play against each other. I may be pretty athletic but baseball-softball- isn't a sport I'm good at. 

Our team was out on the field so I was in charge of second base. Screaming and yelling were all I could hear. A girl with long hair and a decreasing hairline was telling a girl to fuck off while another was calling her a bitch. A guy from afar was yelling for the pitcher to aim better while two boys ran into each other and crash to the floor.  I'm not surprised that everyone took this game as if it was a life or death situation but it did feel pretty pathetic. 

A few kids hit and our team was up to bat. Mateo yelled from afar to not embarrass myself and to just sit at home base and have some tea. He was acting like a total kid and with that my energy for this game went through the roof.


"Read" I responded as I nod my head at the pitcher

The ball touches my bat but doesn't really go far so the best option is to run like my life depended on it.  I made it to the third base where Mateo was standing. 

"So you're gonna take this seriously?"

"It's just a game of baseball"

"It's actually softball"

"Where's the difference?"

"The difference is in the-"

He gets interrupted by the ball bouncing off the bat and me running towards home base. It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be but the thrill of being cheered was pretty nice. 

The game ended with my team losing and Mateo rubbing in his victory. His hair wet with his sweat and his face red because of the heat. 

"How'd you manage to lose grip of the bat?" 

"I have small hands!"

"Do you? Let me see"

Mateo grabs my hand and presses it to his. His fingers were skinny and long. They didn't have curves and they weren't boney. They were nice and soft. 

He looks me in the eyes and smiles. 

He bent his fingers and locked them with mine. My face red and warm but could be passed off as being out in the sun. His smile huge while staring at our hugging hands. My eyes never left his face. My heart was racing but my eyes were still. 

He looks up and let's go. 

"Woops.. sorry man. My bad" 

"There's nothing to be sorry about"

We started heading towards the lockers to change and go off to lunch. 

I don't spend time with Mateo at lunch since we both had our own friend groups before meeting each other. So by the time lunch hit we part ways. It's not really my favorite time of the day. 


Mateo getting pretty bold isn't he ;).... 

Remember that you're valid and loved. Also, remember to drink plenty of water and to get enough rest!!


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