See More: Part 9

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Mateo suddenly stopped laughing and looked at me in worry. Axel did the same and put down his fruit and sat next to me. I didn't understand what was happening but for some reason, I didn't ask.

"Ej are you ok?" Mateo asked with the tone of worry wearing it. I looked at him and kept staring.

"Huh?" as confused as I was I then realized.

 I was crying. 

I started shifting my eyes towards Mateo and then axel and wiped my face with my shirt. 

"Oh!..Sorry..No I'm fine. I don't know why this is happening but I promise I'm fine" I told them both. Mateo got up and went to grab me some tissues and axel sat there worried. 

What was I supposed to tell them? I don't even understand why I was crying. I didn't even notice. I wiped away my tears and blew my nose and took a couple of deep breaths. 

"I am perfectly fine," I told them once again so they'd stop asking me a question I couldn't and didn't want to answer. 

The class was over and I got my stuff packed and went out of the room. Axel and Mateo went first to await their parents at the parking lot. I ended up walking alone with my own painful thoughts. I was embarrassed. I planned not to come to school the next day so they'd forgot about today. So can forget about today. 

The sun was up and shined brighter than other days but it was very cold. My eyes would start hurting if I looked up at the sun and my throat would burn if I drank water. My hands would shake at every word I type down. My lips wouldn't curve up all they did was stay in a straight line as if someone sewed them together. *fuck*

"Shorty, hold up!" Mateo was running towards me as fast as he could. His hair was shifting left and right, up and down. His breath grew thick and his skin turned red. His eyes would open and close and his lips were parted. 

"Wasn't your mom picking you up?" I asked him as he ran towards me. He looked up and smiled.

"Yeah she is but I asked her to wait"

"Why? do I have something of yours?"

"No,I got worried since you weren't answering you're phone"

*Right I turned my phone off*

"Sorry the battery must've died"

I knew he was going to bring up what happened earlier today. I wanted him to forget but yet here he is talking about it.

"Ej are you ok? Like really ok?"

"Yes I am"

"Are you sure? you know I'm always gonna be here for you. I care for you. you're a special person to me so please tell me the truth"

I was special to him. That was all that stuck with me. He cared for me. 

"I know and thank you. You are also very special to me. I- I care for you too"

I smile and he smiles back. He started to walk forward and got close to my face. My heart started racing and my lips were shaking. *Is he going to kiss me?*

He looked me in the eyes and his lips started to part. All I did was watch him. It was as if time stopped or as if everything was going in slow-motion. I saw Mateos scar that was on his left eyebrow. I could smell his cologne. I could hear and feel him breathing. I felt his warmth. I could hear his heartbeat. His cheek touched mine.

He hugged me. 

We stood there for a good minute before he told me that he had to go.  As I saw him run back to the school I felt happy but I felt sad as well. I was wishing for something more but then I remember the images of his girlfriend. Sometimes I wished that I was born straight and that I could have different feelings towards Mateo or that Mateo was born a girl instead.  None of those were possible. 


I lost track of how I wanted this story to go so I'm just ruffing it now. I really hope it doesn't turn out horribly. 

Remember that you're valid and loved. Also, remember to drink plenty of water and to get enough rest!!


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