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Charles was on the balcony, looking at the beautiful night sky. The stars were twinkling and the moon shined brightly.

His black hair looked even more enchanting in the moonlight and his ocean eyes glowed like jewels.

When he told Angelina about how they met and how they were seperatted, of course she was shocked..

She actually forgot three years of her life!

After a moment of silence, Angelina politely asked him to leave her alone. Charles quietly left. He knew she needed time to comprehend everything he just said.

Looking at the moon, he suddenly remembered that promise again...

There were two young children sitting and admiring the moon on the young girl's room's balcony.

Compared to the big balcony, they looked quite petite.

The two were laughing, telling jokes, and just having some fun. Eventually, they reached to the topic of where the young boy came from.

The young boy with black hair glanced at the bright moon, turned to girl and said, "i-im the prince of the Vancelia Empire! Some say I will be the future Emperor!"

The young girl blinked a few times then started laughing.

"Hahahahahah! Good joke, Charles! You almost had me there!"

Seeing the young girl laugh at him, his face reddened.

"I-im telling the truth! I really am a prince!"

The young stopped laughing and gazed into the young boy's sapphire eyes. Then she realized he was actually serious...

"Wait....your not joking!?" Lilith was shocked out of her mind!

The boy quickly nodded. Seeing her amazed face, the boy felt slightly proud inside...

"Then...what....I....how did you end up in the streets...?"

"I'm not sure about that either... I'm sure I slept in my bedroom....but the next thing I knew it....I was there...."

"Oh....." Seeing that her question was making him sad, she immediately tried to distract the handsome prince.

"So your really the son of an emperor!?"

"Mhmm!" The price nodded.

"Wow! Make sure you don't forget about me when you become a rich royal Emperor!" She jokingly said.

"Of course. Lily, when I become emperor, i'll make you my wife and i will always care and protect you. I promise." The prince held out his pinky.

"Huh? Hahaha yeah okay! I'm looking forward to see you be an Emperor!" She thought he was joking and mindlessly intertwined their pinkies.

Seeing the beautiful young girl agreeing, the prince's face turned red as a rose on a sunny day. Then the young prince lowered his head to hide his big smile.

"But Charles, you know I have a fiancee. I can't marry you."

"...." Her words immediately broke his smile.

"Then....if you didn't have a fiancee...will you be able to marry me?" The boy asked. His expression was ashen and his eyes turned slightly murderous.

But the young girl didn't notice any of this and mindlessly said, "hmm..maybe. I guess if I'm not engaged I'm obligated to marry someone else..."

Hearing her words, the boy's smile appeared once more. Didn't he only need to get rid off Chase? Once he becomes Emperor...it will be easy...

Charles sighed once more.

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