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The room's atmosphere became cold. They all knew the meaning behind Angelina's words.

Lady Catherine and Evelina glanced at lady Sonia. Lady Sonia's face was red as a tomato. She was both mad and embarrassed.

"You...you b*tch!" Lady Sonia could no longer hold her temper.

Angelina smiled but said nothing. She no longer has intensions to pretend in front of these idiots.

"Sister don't be so rude...why don't you apologies and maybe lady Sonia will forgive you...." Evelina acted as a peacemaker, but she actually was hoping this would escalate even further.

"Why would I apologise?" Angelina smiled innocently.

"Don't be so arrogant, lady Angelina!" Lady Catherine shouted.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" Angelina broke her act. She knew it would lead to no where if she continued to pretend. These two are hopeless. They have completely fallen into Evelina's trap.

"Are you looking down on me!?" Lady Sonia was shaking in anger

"Who knows.." Angelina broke her innocent smile and changed it into a cold grin.

Evelina really wanted to slap Angelina, however there are still other people in the room, so she was forced restrained herself.

"Don't act so arrogant!" Lady Sonia screamed and tried to slap Angelina. Fortunately Angelina was able to dodge.

"Huh? A mere baron's daughter dares try to hit me?" Angelina's eyes turn cold and murderous.

"You! Just because your a duke's daughter doesn't mean you better than me!" Lady Sonia didn't realize that she unintentionally also insulted Evelina a little.

"....." Evelina was mad but forced herself to stay calm.

"Well technically..in status...I am better than you" Angelina covered her mouth with her palm, trying to hold back her laughter.


"Do you only know how to say 'you'?" Angelina mocked lady Sonia.

'i never knew making fun of someone could be so fun...'

The Imperial palace of the Sainthallian Empire

Inside the imperial palace, the emperor felt a little conflicted. Suddenly the Emperor of the Vancelia Empire came and decided to stay in the Sainthallian Empire for a couple of days.

This caused everyone in the court off guard. Usually Emperor would send envoys, but this time...the emperor came himself!

This caused an uproar in the court.

The palace servants immediately prepared for the arrival of the foreign emperor. The empress was responsible for the palace preparations, like the welcoming, food, and more.

The empress felt extremely pressured. The Sainthallian had a very good reputation, however the Vancelia Empire had an even better reputation.

In the past, the Sainthallian Empire was known as the strongest empire. However that had changed about two centuries ago.

A new empire was established, the mighty Vancelia Empire.

The first ruler of the Vancelia Empire was actually a female. Her name was Valleorey De Obella Vancelia.

A beautiful woman with red hair and blue eyes, who used to rule only a small kingdom, conquered several other kingdoms and established the Vancelia Empire.

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