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Angelina shot a glance at Evelina. Evelina's expression was exactly what she expected.

Evelina looked clueless and worried. Seeing her pretend to be innocent and uninvolved, Angelina clenched her jaw.s

It was definitely her!

There's no denying it! This would explain her past odd behavior!

"Oh no! Who could've done this!?" Evelina gasped and glared at the maids. "How could this have happened!? What did you do!?"

All the maids immediately kneeled and begged for forgiveness.

"Please forgive us, eldest miss! We didn't know what happened!" They said together.

"What is going on!?"

They turned their heads and saw the duke and duchess.

"Oh my Lord!" The duchess widened her eyes in shock. Once she caught sight of the ruined gown, she was terrified.

"What in the world happened!?" The duke was furious. If word got out, his reputation would be ruined!

"Mother, father! What will we do!? Sister's debut is tommorow! Angelina doesn't have a dress anymore...but...we can't just cancel everything!" Evelina cried.

"......." Angelina finally realized her trur intention.

Evelina didn't want to cancel her debut party. She wanted Angelina to wear something else.....

Whatever reason she wanted Angelina to wear a different dress, it definitely wasn't good.

The Duchess's gaze went over to the kneeling servants, "who came here before you all!?"

One of the maids answered, "we don't know your grace! It was only the servants that cleaned and inspected the dress that entered this room! And they told us the dress was okay!"

"Enough!" Tired of everything, the duke shouted. He had a long day of work today and just wanted to rest.

"Eve, why don't you give one of your gowns to Angelina for her to borrow."

"Sniff..sniff.....okay father." Evelina wiped away a few of her crocodile tears.

" Good" the duke sighed. Then he left to go back to bed.

Instead of leaving like the duke, the duchess approached Angelina and hugged her to console her.

"It'll be alright, Lina. Sometimes things don't go as planned. I'll investigate this matter tommorow. Don't be too sad."

"Yes mother" Angelina buried her face in the Duchess's chest. She couldn't do anything for now, so she could only act upset.

Angelina returned to her room alone and angry.

She wasn't disappointed, but she was furious.

She opened her window and looked at the moon in silence to calm herself down.

For some reason, she suddenly thought of that handsome man with sapphire eyes.

He said he would always help her if she wanted him to. Can he help her now?

But what can he do? Her debut was tomorrow and she couldn't wait for him to ask someone to design a new dress for her.

Just as she was thinking this, she heard a knock coming behind the door.

Was it Eric? No, he went to bed already.

It certainly isn't Marie.

Angelina hesitantly walked over there and opened the door quietly.

The Villainess's Great RevengeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang