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"Oh my... Have you heard? 'Angel' is opening a boutique! I'm quite looking forward to it." one lady exclaimed with excitement. 

"Of course. 'Colored Beauty' is extremely popular among us aristocrats. Who hasn't heard of this news?" the other young lady was much calmer. The news of the upcoming boutique has stirred quite the discussion. 

"Will 'Angel' be designing the gowns and dresses?" one asked. 

"I don't think so. How could someone be so skilled and talented?" another shook her head.


A slender and white hand stretched out and pushed open the boutique door. They young woman immediately spotted her friend, who was waiting for her.

"Lady Arianna." Angelina greeted with a pleasing smile. 

"Lady Angelina." Arianna nodded. 

"Have you prepared the design drafts?" Angelina walked over to her and asked. 

"Mhm. Although some of these were made when I was younger. Hope you don't mind." Arianna took out a few of papers from inside the suitcase she was carrying, and handed them to Angelina for her to look over. 

"...." Angelina focused on scanning the drafts before gasping with admiration. "I can't tell at all. These all seem very professional..." 

"Oh." Arianna averted her gaze and hid her flushed face. 

"Where did you learn how to do this, lady Arianna?" Angelina glanced at the embarrassed lady. and asked curiously. 

"My late mother's first rank maid taught me. It was merely a hobby for her though. But she died a few years ago." Arianna explained. A trace of sadness flashed in her eyes. After her mother died, she was quite lonely and was only accompanied by her late mother's maid. And because of her, Arianna became quite fascinated with designing gowns. 

She, since childhood, has been always passionate with beautiful things. Thus she could not help but be enchanted by embroidery, paintings, and gowns. Now that she had been given the chance to make her hobby a job, she will not give up on it.

Angelina took Arianna to meet the seamstresses and give them the design drafts. The group of seamstresses were shocked. They didn't expect Arianna to be below the age of 20, and yet was so talented. 

After a busy afternoon, Angelina went home. There she saw the duchess, who was unexpectedly waiting for her. 

"Mother?" Angelina called out, confused. 

"Lina, will you join me for a chat?" the duchess asked. Reaching out her hand. Her gentle temperament caused Angelina to relax her shoulders. 

"Of course, mother." Angelina curved her lips upward and held the duchess's hand. 


As the two sat, facing each other, they enjoyed the silence and sipped their tea's. 

With a quiet "clank..." the duchess sat down her teacup and looked up at her daughter. 

"Lina, I know I haven't been involved in your life as much I should... I've been so busy that i haven't made much time for you, and I'm sorry for that. I just want you to make your own choices." the duchess said. She looked quite lonely and dejected.

"Why suddenly bring this up mother?" Angelina asked. She didn't feel like the duchess did anything wrong as a mother at all. Compared to Marchioness Bailey, the duchess showed more care and concern for her than the marchioness ever did throughout her past life!

The Villainess's Great RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now