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Finally, Evelina was able to settle everyone down but there was still a sense of tension in the air.

"I hope lady Angelina is okay..." One said.

"I still can't believe she's Angel. It's simply too hard to believe. But it is quite impressive!"

"It's funny if you think about it. I remember how many people gifted her Angel's painting on the day of her debut, now it all seems like a joke..."

"Hmph. Everyone who has ever spoken badly about lady Angelina must be feeling quite embarrassed..."

"Haha, they all must be drowned with regret right about now. Especially when lady Angelina saved this princess!" Elizabeth laughed out loud.

Lady Sonia rolled her eyes.

Evelina could only watch with a stiff smile as everyone forgot about her existence and instead praise her sister with admiration. She was never going to invite them again! These ungrateful rats! She was willing to invite them no matter how low their family rank is and yet they repay her with this!?

"Lady Margaret? Is something the matter?" One asked lady Margaret who was looking quite uncomfortable.

"It's... It's nothing. My feet just feels quite itchy..." Lady Margaret shook her head but her body was stiff, revealing her discomfort.

"Um... My feet feels itchy as well..." lady Sonia said. She couldn't take it much longer and bent down to check the source of her irritation.

"Ah!" She jumped back in shock, causing her and the chair she was sitting on to fall. There was two big cockroaches on her leg...

Lady Margaret slowly looked down and lifted the skirt of her dress slightly. There she saw a long centipede crawling up her leg. She wanted to kick it but instead she froze. What if it bit her? Aren't they venomous!?

Evelina's face sank. She slowly stood up and witnessed the horrifying scene of baby cockroaches sticking to her dress.

"Is that..." Evelina trembled.

"Ahhh!" All the other young nobles found themselves in similar situations. The insects were either crawling up their leg or their clothes. They all began running around and stomping their feet on the ground, in an attempt to get the bugs off themselves.

"Hahahaha!" Instead of being disgusted, Elizabeth laughed. The looks on their faces were simply too hilarious! Perhaps it wasn't a waste to come here...

If it weren't for the fact that she grew up with the second prince who found joy in playing with bugs, Elizabeth might've been screaming just like all the others. But she was used to it now.

Alice merely looked at them and left quietly to check on Angelina. 

But there was one person that all the bugs avoided. Harper. Many hideous insects were crawling around, but they all seemed to be avoiding her. Even if they were not touching her, Harper was still frightened and she quickly left the garden.

They were all screaming and one had even fainted. Of course such a ruckus would pull in some attention. Many servants rushed to the scene. They were both shocked and confused. Why is there so many bugs!? The garden was cleaned and kept very carefully.

Evelina tried to get the baby cockroaches to get off of her but it was too difficult. They stuck to her like dear life. Evelina eventually tripped and fell which only caused her to panic even more.

So many disgusting bugs around her, she really felt like she was about to faint from fright...

At this point, all of the ladies had already fled and Evelina was left alone. Even lady Sonia, who was almost like Evelina's loyal dog, had abandoned her.

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