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Gregory stopped; the heads were already seated and waiting.

They began the meeting, presented their arguments, and finally chose who would meet Sanchez SOLAS CEO.

"Gregory will be representing me as I will be assisting another meeting with Shenzen Metal. Who will you have with you, Gregory?" Wendon asked.

"I will take Mr.Comb, Mr. Song, M. Menard, and Mrs. N'Diayé.

Gregory waited for Cassie's objection, which didn't come. It was another voice that elevated.

"Excusez-moi, Monsieur Carlton, mais madame N'Diayé n'est pas hablilté pour ce genre de reunion."

"Monsieur Bernard, at one point, the person has to practice the theory if we don't give people the opportunity, when will they be able to step up from their position. I believe she has the shoulders for it; perhaps her department head has something to say?" Gregory said, turning to Cassie.

"No, Xenia will be good. She has the results, and she understands Spanish. I'm not against it," Cassie said to everyone's general surprise.

"Good, then it's settled. Ladies and gentlemen have a good day," Wendon's words marked the end of the meeting.


Sexual tension, what are they talking about? Gregory thought as he left the meeting room. He was fine; women were a hassle, and having sex with them brought a whole world of problems that Gregory didn't want, at least not for now.

Sometimes the man wondered if he had dreamt of his playboy youth. At the time, Gregory didn't care about one night stands and text message breakups. He didn't watch more now, but one could say he gained in the consciousness of what it was to deal with someone's feelings. Seeing his mother cry over his father's infidelities had that effect on him.

So Gregory avoided verbal outbursts of sentiments. He made no promises and kept his mouth from spilling words he didn't mean. Women fled the man who held everything bottled up, expressing the minimal required.

Jaila and Wendon had the privilege of knowing him and accepting his silent way of being. No one managed to lure any overdone reaction from him, no one exceptㅡ.



The lift had done it again; it somehow brought people together in this vast building, which was Astoria Edmonds.

"Eh, Cassie will probably inform you, but I choose you to assist with the SOLAS negotiation."

"Isn't that supposed to be Cassie's call?"

"She didn't object," Gregory replied.

He had not noticed in the morning, but there he could distinct scent Insolence by Guerlain. The perfume suited the woman who wore it.

"When?" Xenia asked.

"When what?"

Xenia cocked an eyebrow, "the meeting."

"Oh, eh tomorrow, 7 PM," the door opened. Xenia stepped out, and he followed to finish what he was saying.

"Why is it so late? I can't, Gregory, and I've got Sia," Xenia whispered.

"Please, try to make arrangements; it's essential for your career."

The man couldn't believe he almost found himself begging Xenia when he was the one doing her a favor.

Xenia saw the insistence in Gregory's stare; the man kept quiet about the apartment, and Sia, she could at least make an effort.


"Thank you," Gregory said with relief. He was prepared for the verbal battle and was surprised to see the woman surrender so quickly. Once again, his gaze shifted to Xenia's head; he had an uncontrollable desire to touch it.

"Xenia," Cassie said, coming out of her office.

"I was going to come and announce it to you myself, but seeing you together, I guess Mr. Carlton already informed you about the meeting," Cassie eyed Gregory with suspicion. At first, she thought Xenia followed Gregory, but now Cassie wondered if it wasn't the other way around.

"Yes, he has Ms. Jensen," Xenia replied.

"Okay, good," a smile of satisfaction adorned on Cassie's face as she savored hearing Xenia call her politely.

"I'll be going back to work," Xenia said, leaving the two stranded in the corridor.

"So, Mr. Carlton, what brings you to our floor?" cassie pursued.

"I'm heading to Human Resources."

"I see."

"By the way, Cassie, sorry about this meeting."

"No, worries, you made a good choice. I'll be interested to hear how the meeting with SOLAS went," once more, a devilish smile that made Gregory uneasy appeared.


Cassie headed back to her office with her grin, "Can I have an expresso please, Eve."

"You seem in a good mood Mrs. Jensen," Eve Cassie's secretary said as she deposited the expresso on her desk.

"Is it that obvious?" Cassie replied as she twirled in her chair.

Eve knew Cassie was up to something.

"Well, the only thing that puts you in such a good mood is to see Mrs. N'Diayé trip over her laces or in dire straits with Mr. Carlton. I'm just wondering which of the two has happened.

"Patience, Eve, it's coming. Mrs. N'Diayé is going to trip hard, and I can't wait."


The day went on quietly, and Gregory measured the probabilities of crossing Xenia in the lift as he descended, and the doors opened on the 18th. The odds appeared to be on his side as amongst the four people who entered; a familiar face slid to the back. They found themselves alone descending to the B entrance.

Gregory's eyes fixed Xenia afro again if only he could--.

"Touch it and be done with it," Xenia said.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Listen, you've been eyeing my hair all day, touch it, and be done with it."

Never Gregory would have expected this reaction. The probability of Xenia saying something like this approached minus zero. Still, the unpredictable woman said what statistics didn't take into account.

Gregory stretched out his hand.

Xenia smiled and took a step away, "no, seriously, you were going to touch my fro?"

"But youㅡ."

"Please, pay attention, Mr.Carlton, never-ever touch the hair."

The lift's doors opened. Xenia dashed out, as usual, leaving Gregory bewildered.

"She's insane, and she is whisking me into her world of insanity," Gregory muttered while he let out a chuckle of bafflement.

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