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Xenia was getting used to the Canadian air the continent was beautiful. The people were friendly, but Sia and she couldn't get over the Canadian accent, making them laugh like hyenas.

Despite the apparent happiness, Xenia felt guilty for taking Sia away from all she knew. Ann-Catherin tried, as usual, to talk her out of her decision, and so did everyone else from Niki to her sisters, but it seemed the more they spoke, the more Xenia affirmed her desire to leave.

Andrew's departure was an unexpected blow, and what made Xenia jump on a plane wasn't the hurt but the fear. The fear of her empty heart and its wide-open door.

For years she was alone, Xenia realized she did not think of love. Too busy trying to rig a promotion and being a mom, the woman forgot herself. All of a sudden, she found herself in a whirlwind of romance she didn't ask for, and it was only now she acknowledged it was too much for her.

Xenia hoped Andrew would never forgive her when he read the letter she sent.

Dear Andrew,

I don't know where to start; I realize I've been lying to myself and you on the same occasion.

I was hurt, and you were there.

You overwhelmed me with all your delicate intentions. I hung on to you, and the beautiful memories shared in the past. I still love Andrew, who carried my textbooks, backpack, and didn't have the sense of directions on campus.

I desired to be the Xenia you knew, sweet and innocent, but I'm not that girl anymore, and I know she's the one you love.

I feel as though we're in love with the people we were and that we jumped a bunch of stages.

You deserve someone who can love you better,

I'm a nutcase, you know; you'll thank me later for this.

No, Xenia, you can't write that. Xenia erased and ended the letter with a simple:

I'm sorry.

Love Xenia

The letter was short and clumsy, but Xenia didn't know what to write, for she knew no matter what was on the note, the man would loathe her.

Now she faced another dilemma. Her heart ached like someone taking painkillers that were no longer effective. Without Andrew, her story with Gregory surfaced. He broke her heart, ruined her engagement, and left once more. The woman wanted to knock her head against the wall for giving him a minute of thought. Xenia hoped he suffered as much as she did where ever he was.


Gregory was surprised to learn Xenia left Paris on such short notice. The man wondered what Xenia was made of, eternally starting over, who lived like that?

Gregory didn't understand why Xenia hid when they could solve things simply and rationally.

Only one thing reassured Gregory, men feared women like her. Men were already an unstable species, always searching not to be held down. A woman with the same issue was too much to handle for the Alphas, who didn't even know how to cope with themselves.

The paradox was amusing, Gregory thought when he reflected on their relationship.

His encounter with Xenia's mother didn't work out as Gregory expected. The baffled lover had no other choice than to resolve to drastic majors.

"Gregory, I hope you haven't been waiting long."

The man sat up, "Jaila, I didn't recognize you with the long hair. You look fantastic. Why the change?"

"If I tell you, I'm going to have to kill you."

Gregory hadn't seen Jalia since they left Astoria and going separate ways. He had her on the phone a few times, and it was all.

Gregory adjusted his position on his seat once more, "okay, I guess I can't ask how work is going?"

The woman's eyes became slits, forcing the man to change the subject.

"Okay, guess not, I'll get to the point. Xenia has run away, again, and even if I have the financial resources, I don't want to waste money hiring some private eye to stake her out."

"Now I know why the wealthy remain rich. You are always trying to economize. What happened? Why did Xenia leave?"

"Let me remind you that Asthon&Ashton has always been in the service of the commonwealth and its secret service. And Xenia left because of a minor incident where I messed up her engagement," Gregory said triumphantly.

JaIia shook her head in disapproval, "and you're proud of yourself?"

"Well, yeah, I mean, hey, I didn't even get to tell her my feelings that she moved on to the next man. I suffered, don't you see how inflicted I am," Gregory pointed at himself.

"You suck at playing the victim, say it, Gregory. You were jealous as fuck, and you couldn't handle the fact she ditched you."

Gregory grinned before falling back on his seat, "you know me too well."

"Hey, you're my brother in arms; where was Xenia last seen?"

"Roissy Charles de Gaulle on a Canada Air's terminal a three weeks ago."

Gregory watched as Jaila typed on her phone, only to hear it buzz a minute after. Jaila tapped on a screen, and this time it was Gregory's phone, which rang.

"It's her address."

"Thank you, Jaila; I owe you one."

"I'll add it to all the I-OWE-YOU notes I've accumulated in these 11 years of friendship."

"Thank you still, Jaila. Do you want coffee or something?"

"Sorry, Gregory, next time," Jaila said, getting up, "I've got a plane for Minsk to catch."

"I see."

"Say hi to Xenia and Sia for me."

"You know, Sia?"

"Gregory, please, who I work for?"

Jaila had accepted the job at the MI6. Unlike Gregory, civilian life was too dull for the soldier Jaila was.

Once Jaila was gone, Gregory wasted no time; he immediately booked a flight for Canada, where he counted on rendering a little visit to his runaway heart.


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