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Nine hundred thousand reads, highest rank six in chick-lit, Niki never expected her romance story to grow in popularity so quickly. Her readers were mostly new adult readers and over, many related to her characters.

They sent her messages:

@MissJ: I love Zina; she's fierce.

@User12345556: J'adore, James.

@PreciousXOXO: Zina is annoying. James loves her!

@QueenBizarre: WTF, when will You update. Don't ask us for a vote when you haven't updated in the last 15 days, 10hours, and 43minutes. And I don't like Micheal; you better bring James back. Otherwise, I'm going to book a plane to yo neighborhood and scalp you. Btw, I love this story.

@Bookworm69: James killed me with his,ㅡ "I've never tucked in a mother, but I feel up to it."

Niki was proud of her exploits but could not share them with the person who was her inspiration and to whom she owed her web story fame. Now an editor scouted her for Chromosome Attraction, yet Niki remained collected.

"I can't believe it, your book is going to be published, and you still haven't let me read it," Xenia's eyes sparkled with excitement. She knew how hard Niki worked for this.

Niki blushed as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "it's embarrassing to have someone I know reading it."

"I'm not just anybody; I'm your friend. What's your pen name?" Xenia asked.


Xenia burst into laughter, "what kind of name is that?"

"Well, Kinki is sort of an anagram and saint in contradiction. Oh, I had no idea what pen name I wanted at the time. Xenia just read it at home when I'm not around, okay."

"Why are you so embarrassed?" Xenia gave Niki's hand a sympathy pat.

Niki sighed, "it's just, nevermind, read it when you are at home, please, Xe."

From Niki's expression, Xenia understood her friend wasn't in the mood to talk about her success; she switched the subject, "okay, how's Malik?"

"Malik wants me to move in with him," Niki replied in what seemed to be a tone of despair.

Xenia's eyes widened, "It's great. Why the long face?"

"I've never lived with someone else before. I feel as though if we're in the same space, the magic will wear off, and it will be over."

"Hey, what's with this negativity? Where's my love guru?" Xenia said.

Niki sighed before changing the topic, "she's in hibernation until further notice. How about you and Andrew?"

"Andrew is the kindest and most gentleman I've ever met. He hasn't changed since uni. And he literally covers me with presents; I can't even glance at something without him buying it for me. It's overwhelming. Can you imagine I dated Gregory, if one can call it that, for four months? The guy played stingily. He didn't even offer me one of those cheap roses they sell in restaurants, and he's a billionaire."

"Well, Xe, the man was undercover. Do you imagine if he bought you, I don't know, some Cartier bracelet like the one you have on your wrist? Oh my God," Niki grabbed her friend's wrist.

"Yep, that's Andrew; it's too much, right? You know I'm not used to this. It's not like I don't like all the presents, but I just feel like I'm taking advantage of something."

Xenia frowned for a second as she pondered on the question.

"That's the impression one gets when your feelings are not in accord. Are you in love with him?"

Xenia lifted an eyebrow, "I guess love guru's hibernation is over."

"Answer me, Xe."

"Okay, okay, I don't know if I love Andrew. It's all new and beautiful. It's as if the divine let me rectify something I missed out on during all these years. We don't argue; it's such a peaceful relationshipㅡ."

"And Gregory, are you really over him? ㅡ."

"Why do you always bring things back up to him, Niki?"

"I'm sorry, it's just I keep thinkingㅡ," Niki hesitated as she searched for the words which wouldn't drive Xenia up the wall, "ㅡthe man loved you, Xenia, I'm sure. I just feel your story is on hold somehow. It didn't end the way it should. I mean, you spend years in sisterhood after Mark, and this time you've thrown yourself in a new relationship without a thought."

Xenia sighed, "stop being judgemental."

"I'm not judgemental, Xenia. I think you should give yourself time."

"You know what Sia asks me about Gregory all the time. I'm afraid to leave her even ten minutes with Andrew or even to allow the man to meet her because I fear she'll bring him up. It's so stressful. She loved Gregory so much, but I'm done with him. He lied, and he played me. I've found someone else who treats me like a diamond; I'm happy."

Xenia didn't know if she convinced Niki, but she convinced herself, and that was good enough.

Niki listened while wondering what Xenia would think of her story. Would their friendship withstand everything?

"Xenia, oh, my pause is over. I have to go," Niki said, getting up.

"Okay, see you soon, girl," they gave each other kisses and parted.

"And don't worry, I'll start your story tonight," Xenia shouted.

Niki turned and gave Xenia a slight nod, "ㅡah, take your time, there's no rush," Niki replied before resuming her course and entering Astoria.


As promised that night, Xenia got in a comfortable position to begin her new hobby as an online reader. Her friends, soon to be a bestseller, needed significant comment spamming, and Xenia was up for the challenge.

"What are you doing?" Andrew asked.

"Niki wrote a book; I want to read it. I'm just saving it in my virtual library, and I'm all yours."

Andrew grinned, "oh, I like that idea."

Xenia did as said and focused on the man who made sparks fly.

"Spend the night," Andrew said.

That's how their evening ended like all the other nights with a plea from a frustrated man.

Xenia smiled, "I can't, Andrew; it's almost midnight. I'm staying at my mom's remember. I have to abide by her rules even if I'm an adult and a mom."

"Move in with me."

"Andrew," Xenia made big eyes at the man.

"I'm serious; move in with me in New York."

"Andrew, why so sudden?"

Andrew grabbed both of Xenia's hands, "I'm sure, Xenia, you are the biggest regret I had these years."

Andrew felt the same way Xenia did. They missed their love story years before. It left a bitter taste that the man was doing everything to erase. Maybe back then, if he had stayed or if they had maintained the long-distance relationship, perhaps Sia would have been his, the man sometimes thought.

One could redo the world with perhaps, and maybes.

"Andrew, Sia has never left France; her aunts, gran, and dad are here. I can't just fly off with her."

"You can; I've given it some thought you can fly back here when you want. You can invite your mother and sisters to visit you. As for schooling, Sia can have private tutors to help her with English and other things. I'll take care of everything. Trust me; we can make this work."

Andrew was no stranger. Even if some would think he jumped the gun for the woman, it was the continuity; Xenia wished to give it some thought.

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