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Niki's eyes twinkled like sapphires with enthusiasm, "did you get It?"

"If you mean Aurelie's wedding invitation, I did, and I'm not going," Xenia replied with a deadpan stare.


"Because you are not going."

Niki grinned and nudged Xenia, "of course, I am."

"Why do you want to go? The girl didn't even acknowledge your existence in High school."

"That's why I'm going, like in your face type of action, to show Aurelie what a badass rose I've become," Niki said while she waved her hand at herself.

"That's childish, "Xenia smiled, "I'll help you pick the dress, but wait, if you go alone, you'll look like a loser."

"Who said I'm going alone," Niki's eyes darted from side to side.

"What you have a date?"

Niki blushed and tucked her hair behind her ears, "Sort of."

"What do you mean by sort of?" Xenia was curious to know who was the lucky man.

"Well, you know Malik from the overseas accountant."

"You mean the guy with his fitness YouTube channel?"

"Yep, Monsieur biceps himself."

"Oh, my goodness, how did you manage that?" Xenia was impressed to see how far shy highschool nerd Niki Wright had come and how she always captured hot men.

"Malik spilled his coffee on me; he said he owed me, and you know I've been trying out Tinder, right."

Xenia folded her arms, "yes, and you know I disapprove of the idea of sleeping with random guys."

"Anyway, guess who turned up at my rendezvous?"


"Yes, Malik said it was fate, so we've gone exclusive. No more Tinder for us."

Xenia smiled, "so, like you, two are the thing?"

"We are," Niki said, doing her super beam eyes.

"Okay, so you'll go with your boyfriend. I can't be 3rd wheeling."

Niki bit into her sandwich, "ask so-me-one."

Xenia lifted an eyebrow, "I don't communicate with men. We don't speak the same language."

"Ask Gregory."

Xenia looked at Niki while silence decorated the atmosphere before bursting into a laughing fit.

"Xenia, are you crying?"

"That joke was so hilarious, Niki; you should do stand up comedy."

"I wasn't joking, though."

"Gurl, are you out of your mind?" Xenia said, banging her hand on the table. "Earth calling Niki Wright, hello, did I hear you right? We are talking about a man who said I was a crazy misandrous, and at this exact moment, thinks I'm a lesbian."

"Yeah, but he understands you in some twisted kind of formula."

"Twisted, that's the word, my relationship with the man is twisted. It's not because we've called it truce that he would agree to come with me. I mean, why would he do that for me?"

"I think Gregory would be delighted, he just works all the time, and I've seen the way he eyes you."

"You are crazy," Xenia said.

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