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"Good Lord, it's Ko Phi Phi eyes," Ann-Catherin said, standing at her door.

"ㅡEh yes," Gregory didn't know what to reply even if the name she called him intrigued him.

"So what do you want? Are you coming to ask my daughter's hand?"

Gregory gave his stretched banana smile before saying, "I've already asked her twice, she said no."

"That idiot, twice, you say. Come in, don't just stand there as if you were trying to give me a Bible lesson."

Gregory stepped into the council flat. As he looked around, he realized it was where Xenia grew up. The apartment was significant for one person, perfect for two, but it was a matchbox for a woman with three daughters.

From the hall, one could go in any direction; the kitchen was on your left with its red IKEA decorated cupboards. You had the living room on your right across from it, which gave up on the balcony. If you advanced a little, there were two bedrooms, a bath, and separate toilets.

Ann-Catherine led the way to the living room.

"I'm sorry, but the only biscuits I have are Sia's Vanilla Petit Prince and Ginger root tea."

"Thank you; I'm fine, madame," Gregory took a seat.

They sat staring at each other a few seconds before Gregory began.

"If I'm here today, it's because I'm lost. I love your daughter, and I'm not very good with words. We haveㅡ," Gregory hesitated, furrowing his eyebrows as he searched for the most appropriate words.

"We have communication issues at times. What I'm trying to say is I don't want to lose her, but I need help to understand what is going on in her mind. Xenia hasn't got many friends, and she can knit conversations about any subjectㅡ," Gregory paused, he realized Xenia never talked about herself. She never officially presented her family, nor did she tell stories about her childhood, whereas Gregory showed her everything the good, the bad, and the weirdness of his background.

"What happened?" Ann-Catherin was afraid of his answer.

"I asked her to have a baby with me, and she went crazy."

Gregory explained, and ann-Catherin listened.

"Wait, Ko Phi Phi," Ann-Catherine got up and went to get two photo albums.

"Have a look," she handed the albums to Gregory.

"It's Xenia."

"Yes, do you notice something?" Ann Catherin looked at Gregory.

"She's beautiful. What am I supposed to be looking for?"

The answer made Ann-Catherin smile, but it's not what she wanted, she gave a hint.



"Yep, Sia was born a week after we took this photo ."

"But Xenia isn't, I mean, she doesn't look-."

"Pregnant, Xenia's eight months pregnant in those pics. Sia was three weeks premature and weighed 1.4kg when she was born. Sia doesn't seem to look like it, but she has her mother's anxiety, the one transferred to her in her mother's womb. Sia is always afraid, as her mother, of being left behind.

"You see, Ko Phi Phi, Xenia was aware she was pregnant, but psychically there was a barrier she lived her pregnancy in denial. The fact that Mark didn't want Sia and not everyone around was overjoyed did that to her. I did it to my daughter when I scolded her. I kept telling my daughter to dress better, to cook better, to be a better lover. I kept saying to Xenia to do the necessary to hold her man down. Can you believe I even told Xenia to take Mark back if ever he begged her? I hurt my baby because I didn't want her to end up raising her child alone."

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