Chapter Fourteen: Wedding day

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~~~~Contains Sexual Content~~~~

I let out a shaky breath as I look out the glass door. I can see everyone sitting, waiting. The music starts, but I can't seem to move. My heart thunders in my chest.

"Ready?" Tim asks, offering me his arm. He agreed to walk me down the aisle, as I wouldn't dream of letting my father. I let out another shaky breath before nodding and taking his arm. He looks surprisingly nice in his suit. His hair is combed down and smoothed out, though it's still a little wild. Johnny's daughter, Lily-Rose leads us, throwing rose petals along the white carpet. Time leads me down the aisle, multiple people gasping. Johnny turns from the Father, his mouth falling open when he sees me.

"Shut your mouth," Tim whispers as he passes me to Johnny. Johnny snaps his mouth shut, but the surprise hasn't left his face.

"I didn't realize I was marrying a goddess." He mutters as a smile grows on his face. My cheeks burn as the ceremony starts.

"Do you, John Christopher Depp, the second, take Ivy Angelwood Winters, to be your wedded wife, to cherish in love and in friendship, in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment, to love her faithfully, today, tomorrow, and until the end of time, so long as you two shall live?"

"I do," Johnny says, far more emotionally than I expected. A single tear slides down his cheeks, but Tim reaches around his shoulder to wipe it away. Johnny squeezes my hands slightly as the Father speaks again.

"Do you, Ivy Angelwood Winters, take John Christopher Depp, the second, to be your wedded husband, to cherish in love and in friendship, in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment, to love her faithfully, today, tomorrow, and until the end of time, so long as you two shall live?"

"I do." My voice shakes slightly with emotion as a tear slide down my cheek. Helena reaches around to wipe it as Tim does the same for Johnny. I told myself I wouldn't cry, but I am. Johnny's son, Jack, approaches with the rings.

"Place this ring upon her finger, so the world may know you two are one." The Father says as Johnny takes the ring. He slides it on my finger before the Father turns to me. He says the same thing as I slide the ring on Johnny's finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, in the sight of these guests, and in the sight of God." I don't believe in God, but Johnny does.

"You may kiss the bride." Many cheer as Johnny kisses me firmly. I can't stop my giggle as I wrap my arms around his neck. He is finally my husband.

"I hope you know, this means you aren't getting rid of me any time soon." I purr once the Father as left. Johnny laughs, shaking his head.

"Good, that was the point." I giggle, but it's cut short by another kiss. The Father comes back with a paper for us to sign, legally marrying us.

"How do you feel Mrs. Depp?"

"Like a whole new person, Mr. Depp." I purr, letting him lead back down the aisle. One by one the guest come to us, congratulating us. I know his family's smiles are fake, but I am happy they came.

"Now I know you don't dance Johnny, but you better dance at least once with your bride." Helena purrs as she hugs me. Johnny laughs and shakes his head.

"I don't dance." I know he is teasing, he already promised me a dance. Helena rushes him, hitting him with her handbag.

"Ow, okay, okay." He laughs, hiding behind me. Everyone is laughing and seems to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. We all head to the tables already set out and take our seats.The cake is carried out to us by his staff. It's a four-tier cake, nearly as big as I am. It's is mostly white, with pink ribbons around the base of each piece. Johnny and I cut a piece together, carefully feeding it to each other. Once we are done it's cut apart and served to our guest. Quite a few people give toast and talk, wishing us happy lives and all that. When Helena stands I can already fill a lump in my throat.

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