Chapter Fifteen: Life changes

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"Good morning, Mrs. Depp." Johnny purrs, making me smile.

"Good morning, Mr. Depp." I purr, slowly opening my eyes. He is still naked, his hair loose and in his face.

"You look nice this fine morning." I giggle, reaching up to tuck his hair behind his ear.

"You should look in a mirror. Took a lot of self-control not to feast again." He purrs, laughing when my cheeks flare a dark red.

"What are our plans today?" I ask as I sit up, gasping when he pulls me back down to him.

"Stay in bed all day, drink, and fuck." He growls sexually, nibbling at my ear.

"How are you always horny?" I laugh, but it turns into a moan as his tongue flicks the inside of my ear. I give in and let him have his way...

~~~~A month later~~~~

I reach across Johnny to turn off the alarm. It's time to get up for work. I place a quick kiss on his cheek before slipping from the bed. He whines a little in his sleep, stretching out across my side of the bed. I giggle a little as I change.

"Hey...." He mutters as I go to leave.

"Hmm?" I make my way back to the edge of the bed.

"Lift your shirt." He mutters, forcing a single eye open. Confused I lift it, letting him turn as I hold the shirt up.

"I think you're pregnant." He blinks a few times to clear his vision before sitting up.

"I think I would know if I was pregnant." I laugh, attempting to leave.

"You didn't last time." He stops me from leaving, running a rough hand over my belly.

"I'll pick up a pregnancy test on my way home." I give him a quick kiss before leaving.

"I love you," I yell from the doorway.

"I love you too." He purrs, snuggling back into bed. I pick up the pregnancy test on the way to work, but don't take it. I wait until I get home. However, I do text Johnny to let him know I bought one.

"Please tell me you have to pee, I can't handle any more waiting," Johnny says as soon as I enter the house. He is waiting for me near the front door.

"Yes, I do." I laugh, letting him follow me upstairs.

"Are you going to watch me pee?" I giggle as he waits in the doorway.

"Yes, I need to know." He nervously fiddles with his hands while I take the test. I have to say it's weird having someone watch me pee. I set it on the counter as I wash my hand, laughing when Johnny comes over to see.

"It takes about five minutes, two lines means yes, one line means no," I say as I wash my hands.

"It already has two lines." He mutters as he runs a hand over his beard. I look over in shock to see it does. I immediately throw it away and pull out another. Johnny watches as I take it again. This one is positive almost immediately as well.

"We are having a baby," I whisper as I look it over.

"Yeah, we are." To my surprise, there are tears in his eyes

"Don't cry, I'll cry." I laugh, wiping away his tears. However, we both can't stop the tears. He pulls me into a tight hug as we cry.

"K, wait." I pull away from him, exhaling before speaking.

"We need to call your mom, your sisters, your brother. Oh, we need to call a lot of people." I whisper as I look around. Johnny just laughs and pulls me into our bedroom.

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