1 | How you both met

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Kirari Momobami

You a new transfer student, and much to her surprise, you got her attention cause of your gambling skills and how you can tell if their cheating. She watched you from afar and then called you into the council room.

You thought you were in trouble so you were kinda nervous, but much to your surprise, she just wanted to see you close up and wanted to get to know you more, you thought it was weird for some reason, but then just talked to her more often and became closer.

Ririka Momobami

You accidentally bumped into her and her mask fell out. You panicked and apologised a lot of times, she did take the apology but she makes sure you didn't tell anyone that she was the president's twin. She was actually pretty shy like you so you guys talked more, getting to know each other.

Yumeko Jabami

You actually saw her won a gambling match against Maeri and was really surprised and amazed by her skills, you wanted to talk to her but never got the courage to. But decide to be against it, you went to find her and you did bump into her by accident.

You apologised and realized it was Yumeko so you talked to her and wanted to be her friends, she accepted it because she finds you cute.

Maeri Saotome

You lost against her in a gamble and was not able to pay back her debt and now, you're her house pet. Of course you were pretty annoyed since she kept of blabbering around, though you got used to it now.

From Maeri's point of view, she really enjoys having you, she finds you cute and beautiful looking, she really tries to be nice to you but ends up hitting you softly instead. But overall, she enjoys your accompany.

Runa Yomozuki

You played call of duty and she was your teammate, you were pretty good at the game and glad you had a teammate that was pretty good at the game. You learned that she went to the same school as you and when you met, you nearly laughed at how small she was and almost thought she was a lost child.

But after that, you both would meet often and play games with each other.

Midari Ikishima

You nearly got beaten up by someone and she saved your ass, after that she would always beg you to shoot her. And surprisingly, you weren't even scared of her, you find her pretty funny. Now that, surprises Midari. You both then got along and would met up often but she would still beg for you to shoot her and you would always deny it.

Sayaka Igarashi

You were friends with her in middle school and then you found out she was the president's secretary. Though you two may not be able to meet often, you would still hang out in the council room to see her.

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