8 | You ignore them

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I have nothing to say here, but thank you for reading this!

Kirari Momobami

-You can't even ignore her

-You make eye contact and you're already a blushing mess

-Even if you did ignore her, it wouldn't last long since she kiss you to get your attentiom

-Never ignore a Momobami

Ririka Momobami

-There's no way you're gonna ignore her

-She'll be sad cause she thinks it's her fault that you're ignoring her

-She feels lonely when you do so you cuddle with her as an apology

-Protect at all cost

Yumeko Jabami

-She'll hug your waist cause she knows it always gets your attention

-She was right, she got all your attention now

-Would probably ignore you back

-But she knows she can't ignore you forever

Maeri Saotome

-She keeps on hitting you softly cause she wants attention

-But if it doesn't work she'll kiss you roughly hoping to get your attention

-Your focus is now on her

-You cuddle up with her

Runa Yomozuki

-Most of the times, she ignores you because she focuses on her games more

-But if you did ignore her it would probably be because she never gives you attention

-And now, she tries to get your attention by calling you pet names

-You were blushing a lot and gave up and stopped ignoring her

-You got a kiss in return which you didn't complain

Midari Ikishima

-You ignored her because of her obsession on Yumeko

-She now wants your attention

-She went to find you and found you walking with Yumeko

-She ran over to you and grabbed your arm and kissed you

-And now you were no longer ignoring her which she was happy about

-But now Yumeko complained about how you kissed air

Sayaka Igarashi

"Sayaka I want attention!"

-You get attention

-She doesn't ignore you

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