35 | Their reaction to you wanting to get married

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Sorry I have not been active for a while! I had assignments to do and my motivation kept on losing. But now I finally have the motivations to make more updates. :)

"I hope we get married one day"

Kirari Momobami

-The next thing you knew, you were already married

-Lol but you were happy notherless

-You sometimes complain about her spoiling you to much

-Oh but then you knew the whole store was empty

"Sometime more things gives you better life"

-You never believed her anyway

Ririka Momobami

The same thing as Kirari cause they're both very rich

Yumeko Jabami

-Was happy you wished to marry her

-Already planned out the date

-Hm? Why is the beach so full?

-Happy noises

Mary Saotome

-Was surprised at first, but thought about your lives together

-She does want to mary you

-But she has to save up

-i think

Runa Yomozuki

-Honestly, if you were to marry her, people are just gonna mistake you as marrying a child or your daughter lol

-Sad Runa noises

-But if you did get married, she would be very happy

Midari Ikishima

-I don't know about this one-

-Maybe will be out of her sadistic self?

-Will be the happiest woman

-Maybe the one wearing a suit

Sayaka Igarashi

-She had already planned out the date

-You've been dating for a few months so it's going to be a long wait for now

-Happy noises

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