Chapter 54 [ Hunting festival 3 ]

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The fanfare sound of trumpets and drums echoes the enormous forest scared the birds away in an early morning.

With all noble standing in group with their knights and flag, the emperor then began to stated the rules of the hunting festival.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is the 89th hunting festival now. Some of you may have been here before and some of you might not. I would like to talk about the rules again this year but this year will be different from years ago."

Chattering among the crowd and won't stop until the royal knight slammed his sword onto the ground.

"First of all; this year we won't be allowing all of you to use magic unless in an emergency situation. Second, no going further than the red line. Third, the winner is the one who hunts the rarest one or many of them. And finally, the three winners can request anything they want from the lady they fancied. That's all for the rules, I wish you gentlemen good luck!"

With that, all the crowd cheers in anticipation and began their hunting. Of course, they couldn't go without saying a word to their families or wives.

Like others, Ares and his troop also head to the tent before going to the forest. The knights get many goodluck wishes from the maids, including from their duchess.

"I hope all of you return safe and sound...and hurry up! Don't stay there for too long..." Aphrodite said in a low voice but was enough for them to hear her.

They were in a complete silence and only kneel down with tears flowing down inside their minds except for Finny who keeps thanking her again and again until he got hit by Connor.

Until the knights and maids left only when Ares came to look for Aphrodite. She stood silently, holding his huge rough hand in her two small soft ones.

"I-I know this will be a peace of c-cake for you but...please return before the sunset...."

Aphrodite's cheeks flushed red as if she was a young woman who has never experienced falling in love before. Ares held her hand tightly and kiss on it making her blush even more.

"I swear on the name of Valentine family that I shall return before sunset with the beast for-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Ares was hit in the head by Aphrodite.

"Just bring back a bunny or something! D-don't bring any suspicious animals back home!"


Little did they know that they'll bring back a suspicious animal home.

As she watches them depart, Aphrodite prays for their safety even though she doesn't have that much faith in god and Knowing Ares is one of the nation strongest swordsman.

While the men were busy looking for wild animals, the noble ladies are having so much fun gossiping people's business. Aphrodite sat afar from those noble ladies however she could still hears them.

"Oh my, looking at the pretty little duchess! Sewing a handkerchief for her husband, what a good wife she is!"

[ At least, I'm not sitting uselessly around like you.]

Aphrodite thought and shook her head.

"Well, SHE'S a good wife. Waiting for her husband while sewing a handkerchief for him. HAVING the number one man in the empire must be nice."

[ Hah no! This handkerchief is mine for your information. Of course, it's really nice to have the number one man as my husband. My safety is guaranteed, I don't have to worry about my income and most importantly, I am 100% satisfied with the bed!!!! ]

Biting her lips as she was itching to say this while looking at the ladies' expression, Aphrodite was drowning in bitterness.

She finally set her handkerchief aside and walk naturally to the huge round table where young and married noble ladies are sitting.

"Mind if I join you, ladies? Hope you won't mind my presence around you." Aphrodite said as she moves her blonde hair to side.

Her smile enchanted the whole area, including the maids who were just there to serve the nobles. Lady Rhea who was also attending the tea party was also taken back by Aphrodite's charming smile.

[ Wow....she's so beautiful even without trying....]

Both of her cheeks flush red as she drank her tea. Meanwhile, the maids and guards who stood across her thought something that are the same.

[ Still can't believe she is older than me and already have a daughter and husband. Moreover, she's the mistress of the tower...]

Aiyaaa, I feel really great today!! I decided to update on Saturday because I won't be having anything to do tomorrow. Plus, I already done my biology test. So damn easy but only for this month. And your comments made go Awwwww for the rest of the day.

Sksksk, I swear ya'll are the precious cinnamon roll on earth.

Good luck and hello!!

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