I'll be your valentine

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With red and white scarf wrapped around her neck, 17 years old Aphrodite stared at the yet to be blossom flowers. Today is yet another day for her to go back home with a bitter face.

Flowers...Chocolate and gifts are everywhere.

"I hate Valentine season

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"I hate Valentine season..." 

She doesn't understand! She doesn't mean to sound like she's being a narcissism but to be honest Aphrodite was one of the most beautiful girl in her school.

Born with a golden blonde hair and a pair of rare amethyst eyes, Aphrodite could easily became a model with her natural looks.

Yet, she doesn't have a BOYFRIEND! Not even one!!

People at her age already have more than one and probably already reached the nirvana unholy stage of relationship.

Yet, here she is, single and virgin.

As she was depressed over the thoughts of not having any boyfriend, a couple went passed her with giggles and cheerful conversation along the way.

"I made you some chocolate! Would you like to try some later~?"

"Sweet...I thought you didn't make me some this year..."

The conversation wasn't what attracted Aphrodite's attention but it was the couple which almost made her bleach her eyes to make sure she's seeing them clearly.

The couple from earlier was none other than the president of chemistry club and the health committee leader.

Cronus and Rhea!!!

The two people who have never even met at school!!! The two people everyone has least expectation on to be a couple.

Goodbye world, I am going to a double suicide with my 6$ made in China Kaneki figure.

As my feet continue to move forward, they suddenly stopped in front of a bakery with heart and rose decorations around.

I stared at the cute chocolates display on the window unknowingly until the shop owner came out with a tray of cupcakes with chocolate mickey mouse ears on.

"Would you like to try some?"

It wasn't the kindness he shows me that made me stand there silently.

It was the bad boy kind of look he had which almost made me scream out weirdly.

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