Chapter 67 [ The void dimension ]

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That night inside the Valentine castle, Bellamira wasn't certain whether should she goes back to the void dimension or not.

Void dimension or simply known as the door of life and death. Its existence was only an urban legend but it does actually exist. When Bellamira was pushed into the river, she was one step away from door of death but thanks to her divine magic/power, she was sent to meet with the god in the void dimension.

To return back to the land of human, Bellamira's had to passed the god test. The test was simple but one wrong answer could lead you to be lost when trap inside the world of void.

However, the real question is; why would Adelliana and the rest of missing two girls are located inside the void dimension?

With the two crystal chess pieces inside her hands, Bellamira can only sigh. Seem like she has to abandoned the holy ceremony for now. Even if it will reveal that she has already escaped, Bellamira would choose to save the important figure of her friends' life over herself any day.

With that being said, that night later on, Bellamira went to visit both couple to let them help her cover up her disappearance.

Aphrodite grabs both of Bellamira's hands tightly and press her forehead against hers.

"We won't fail you! But please return back safely with our daughter!"

Bellamira tightly gripped Aphrodite's hands. With a smile on her face, she made a promise with Aphrodite and Ares with absolute determination.

"I swear on my name as the saintess of Beresford empire to return safely with your daughter and our friends' families!!"

The chess pieces they entrusted her with was an embodiment of their oath. Bellamira left the castle silently and teleports to get inside the temple sacred praying hall.

The bright blue moonlight simmering from the sky over the glass window above her head lit up the whole room. Blue moon midnight is the perfect night for her to commence this ceremony.

Haha...seem like she'll be meeting with that god again...haha...she hates him.

Gripping the two crystal chess pieces to her heart, Bellamira chanted the spell;

""Blessing from heaven, gate opened with angels awaiting. By the power of bond and fate and divine magic; I asked lords from above to grant me a path of visitation!"

This is cringy, she can't believe the fake spell from the book she used to learn as a kid actually worked. The room lit up a blue light with butterflies and feather fell down out of nowhere.

This entrance is too staged, remove the feather and butterflies effect. Bellamira closed her eyes, waiting for the magic to teleported her to void dimension.

Bellamira later disappeared, leaving only two or three butterflies roaming around with feathers lying on the floor.


Meanwhile, back into the void dimension where the four people had already teleported to, the four were running for their life.

"Is this supposed to be a joke?!!! Why are there giant golems chasing us?!!!!" Delaphina ripped her long dress skirt to shorten it then continue to run even faster.

"I don't know!!! I never wrote anything about this stupid golems thing!!! I can't find a way to counter it!!!"

Childe, the lead one among the runners screamed and yelled to the three girls.

"Hypnosis magic doesn't work on them either! Ahhhhh!!!! Don't we need to find another way to destroy it!!!? We should look for a way. They seemingly seem to be overprotective over their heads. Maybe the main core of them is in their heads. Ahhhh, but how do we get them?!!!" Adelliana ran her fingers through her hair and mess it up.

Seraphina didn't mention nor speaking. She only ran after them and after hearing what Adelliana said, a light bulb was formed.

She taps on Adelliana's shoulder and gives her a thumb up.

"Heh, you're actually being subconsciously smart!"

"Was that supposed to be a compliment or an insult? Because I feel like you've been doing that both."

Seraphina stopped her track and yell to them.

"We can't run forever. Adelliana is right! Delaphina stay back, you are our main pillar of this team! Childe, you know tons of magic spell right?! Accompany Adelliana, casting spell to distract them! I'll do something to get to their heads."

"R-roger that!!" Even if the order and plan were rushed, they seem to understand this oblivious aim of this plan. Delaphina stepped back further away from the field to observe them all to make sure she can be there to support if they meet a wall they can't climbed.

"Adelliana, I know you're smart so copy whatever I said and concentrate on your mana."

"I gotcha!!"

With Childe as the front lead and teacher, Adelliana was able to copied every single spells he chanted. They were able to distract the golems with ease.

Delaphina would cast a barrier or sent them more mana if she sense their magic weakened. Seraphina observed from above with a floating magic.

She flew around for a bit and see the red giant crystal attached inside their heads. She smirked at the simpleton area of where they hid their core as she cast a huge range of magic circle.

"Blessing from heaven: with all my magic and mana I shall offer to you, return my favour and destroy my enemies before my eyes! Ice element, spell 706: The rage of winter spirit!!"

The whole magic circle rain giant pieces of sharp ice as they ruthlessly pierce through the skull of earth golems.

Childe grabbed Adelliana and teleport out of the magic range with disbelief.

This is just the peak of the power of the strongest Wizard of Beresford empire's daughter.

my period is killing me T_T rip

I'll be the grand duchess Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang