Chapter 14 [ The palace ]

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Today was pretty unusual. Instead of sitting all day inside the library, reading boring books, Aphrodite suddenly got an invitation from queen Perseis.

Perseis Walken came from a famous scholar family from the nearby country. She was known for her knowledge in Beresford language and Cilicion ancient language.

Perseis Walken has the same amount of knowledge as the female protagonist. She appeared in side story 6 when Helios the second male lead decided to give up on the female protagonist.

However, Perseis was married to Helios since the female protagonist disappeared but she was a sidekick so her screentime was very short.

I was angry for some reasons. So in this story, they only made Aphrodite the biggest villain of all. They had potential candidates for all so why chose Aphrodite as the main one?

If the author didn't write Aphrodite to be a Villainess with a plot twist, I'm sure she will continue be a good friend to the female protagonist.

And she won't take this chance to steal her friend's man and if it were like that, I'm probably gonna end up reborn somewhere else.

Without having Ares and Aphrodite as my parents, I can't imagine it. I have already accustomed living with them, eating with them although my parents weren't on a good term.

Seeing their faces everyday and receiving their loves, it was something I really yearned for a very long time now.

It was like a dream come true when I suddenly have my own family like this. It wasn't half bad to still have faith in fairy tale wishing star.

I walked down the hallway to my room. The castle was pretty lively nowadays. When I read the novel, no one really dare to utter a word or have a small talk or laughing until the arrival of female protagonist was here.

But now, it's different. Because of my existence, this castle has turned into a happy lively one. No one would believe that this castle belongs to the cold Grand duke Valentine.

Maybe my existence actually meant something.

I opened the door to my room. Yvonne and Margaret were discussing and shoving dresses into each other's faces.

"No! I think lady Adelliana fit in with blue more!"

"Don't be silly, Margaret! Lady Adelliana would be definitely look good in reddish pink. It matched with her eyes more!"

"If you think about it...okay! I'll handle her hair then."

Their heated arguments went down in a moment. I stood from the door, watching them putting back those dresses into the closet back.

Margaret was the first one to notice me. A really bright smile bloomed on her face as she called for me.

"Good morning, lady Adelliana! Have you eaten your breakfast?"

"Ah yes, I have eaten it." I simply replied to her with a small smile.

Closing the door behind me, I walked to Yvonne who returned from my closet with a single dress in her hand.

"Please stand on the stool, young lady. We need to dress you up quickly."

I did as Yvonne said and let them took off my current dress. It didn't take long for them to finish dressing me up since I was a child.

Margaret began to brush my hair. Yvonne went through the jewellery drawer to pick  the matching jewellery for my dress.

I was wondering how should I act in front of those ladies that will be invited to the ball. It's not like I don't have a confidence in myself, but I was wondering if they'll judge me like how those women from novels did.

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