One shot:"Sweet and sour".

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Latif looks around the empty road after parking his car on the side for a long time until he finds the similar sound of bangles and the red dress appearing in front of him.

"You have been standing here for one hour". Afreen said looking at him

He narrows his eyes at her, "Well if someone wasn't excited to get married to me I wouldn't be in this situation".

She kicks his leg making him wince, "Who told you I wanted to marry you?. I had a groom already but you ruined it".

"Oh, yeah, he is the best groom to exist because he left his soon to be wife to marry someone else". He said rolling his eyes

She narrows her eyes, "He is your friend".

"Thank you for reminding me because the first thing I do if I get to live until tomorrow is to kill him". He said as he brushes his hand through his hair frustrated, "Can't I just hide you?. Maybe stay at some hotel?".

"When my family will be at your door tomorrow, be sure to tell them where I am and see if you live through". She said shrugging

"You seem strangely calm for someone who was married to a stranger". He said sighing, "As soon as my family know about this you won't be a new bride but a new widow".

"The excitement is amazing". She said grinning at him, "I can have you killed without even doing anything. That's the perfect strategy".

"Stop eating my brain".

"You have one?".

"I do have one, I don't think you have one".

"How are you so sure you have a brain after what you did!?".

He groaned ready to hit his head somewhere, "Fine. You want to go to my place, be my guest".

He enters his house sweating profusely as he wishes this is a bad dream.

"We have been standing at the door for fifteen minutes now". She said from behind him

"Why is this dream so long?". He said anxiously, "Maybe I should hit my head on the door to be awake".

And he did hit his head at the door but he didn't wake up but heard her snickering behind him.

"Don't ever mention this". He said entering inside standing in front of his family

He can hear everyone shouting at him asking him a question as she hides behind him after he reveals that she is his wife, not by choice- but he didn't add that detail in.

"I can't believe this". His father said angrily, "Go to your room until we decide what to do next".

He quickly escape leaving her behind in his room.

She stands in front of them not sure what to do next as she did expected this reaction but he didn't add the details of what he had done wrong.

"How did you get married?". His elder brother- Hadi asked strictly and she finds her heart ready to stop

"Um, h-he, I mean he--". She stutters trying to form a single sentence, "It was his fault".

"How?". Raza asked a little more calm

She explains the situation in details not leaving anything behind watching them relax a little more.

"I know he is reckless, I never thought he will bring a bride home one day while he is at it". His father said sighing

"You should rest". His mother said softly, "I will send some clothes to the room".

"I will take you". Eshal said smiling as she holds her hand dragging her away, "Do you want to know a place you can relax here?".

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