49.5:"To the last".

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To another end :(


They all rushed his father to the hospital emergency room. He holds his weeping mother in his hands as she asks for his reassurance for his father's health. But he can't provide anything, he isn't sure about it.

He feels someone holding his hand, he turns to find his wife offering a small smile and he nodded tightening his hold on her hand because he needs to stay sane for his family.

His sister came a little after asking questions which his brother took charge to answer and he was glad he wasn't the one. Even though he had fought for years, there was no one to teach him how to fight when his family is at risk.

For the army, they mostly shut down all the emotions that one can feel and all they are taught is to be patriotic whilst killing a hundred, destroying a thousand families after that.

The killing never stops, the war never stops no matter how many lives went in it.

He knows that when he saw his best mate dying in the battle. He knows that when he saw a young seven years boy running for his life when he should have been running with his friends to play games. He knows when he saw several weeping mothers for their children. He has seen it all.

The door opened and the doctor walked out asking to speak to them in the office. Knowing that it is best for his brother and him to speak to the doctor first is better, they followed the doctor.

"Your father is ageing". The doctor started, "With his age, he needs to rest his body and mind, time to time. But he has been pressuring himself even at this age which resulted in the fainting".

He knew that was not all.

"He has a tumour in his brain". The doctor said and he took a sharp breath, "It is still in the developing stage and he is lucky that we found it early. He needs surgery after a full examination and he needs to stop the stress immediately".

He didn't speak anything as at that moment he realised that his parents were getting old. They never once asked him for anything and never once complained to him about his pain. He had spent years and years away from them not even having enough memories to cherish. What if he loses them before he can get any memory?

"He needs you". His brother said to her as she was waiting for him in the waiting area but he didn't come, "He went outside. I am sure he needs fresh air but he needs you more. I will speak to everyone else. Just make sure he is ok".

She nodded understanding as she runs out of the hospital looking around the place. She stops at the bench in a little distance where she finds him huddled. His shoulder was slumped, his face in his hands and the stress was radiating off him.

She moves towards him sitting in front of him as she placed her hand on his knees and he jolted upright looking at her and her heartbreak.

He was crying.

She has never seen him cry and she knows he never cried in his life. Even when he was in pain, even when he lost his friend, team and more, he never cried. He made his heart stoned.

But he was crying.

She wraps her arms around his body placing her head on his chest as she tries to comfort him. She knows no words can comfort him because watching one parent falling from smiling to illness is never easy.

"H-He has a tumour". He said as his voice hoarse, "I don't know what to do. I don't know".

She pulls back placing her hand on his cheeks, "You always did what your heart wanted, right?" He nodded, "That is what you will do and I will be on your side. The first thing that your heart says is what you will follow, ok?"

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