58.6:"Lost in care"

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He knocks anxiously on Tauheed's front door. He could feel the pressure in his chest and he has never been this scared in his life.

She opens the door, frowning at him, "Why do you look so sick? Is everything ok?"

He purses his lips because it's been over two weeks since he last saw her. He had so much happened and there were so many decisions that he couldn't meet her.

"I need help, please". He said, desperately and she opens the door wider as he enter inside

He walks towards the lounge to find Tauheed and his wife gossiping about something and he cleared his throat as their eyes turn to him.

"Who is that?" Aima asked looking at the small baby peeking from his chest, "Is it a girl?"

"Yes". He said, nodding, "With all the crying I am pretty sure she is one". He sighs

Aima steps closer looking at her beautiful eyes, as the baby shyly hides in his chest, "She is adorable".

"Yeah. When she is in good mood".

"What do you need help with?" Tauheed asked grunting because it was good two weeks without having to play spy

"She won't sleep". He said, frustrated, "She has been awake for about twelve hours now. Is that normal? I don't know I don't know if she wants to eat or a change or-".

"Hey". Sarah said, warmly, "Relax. Hand her over to us".

Aima takes the baby gently as she sits beside Sarah who looks at it.

"Why do you think we know about babies? Do you see us with any experience?" Tauheed asked annoyed because he was spending good time with his family until the unwanted visitor came in

He sends a glare at Tauheed as he launches himself on the couch. He was tired. The baby barely made it out alive. After he rescued her a man attacked him and he had to let go of her only to find another man crushing her chest with his bulky leg.

That night was the hardest.

When he saw the innocent child eyes closing as they gaze at him, he felt his soul leaving his body.

"How old is she?" Aima asked as she touches the baby's chubby cheeks

"Almost three months". He said, relaxing as he watches the baby holding Aima finger and giggling

"What's her name?"

He rubs his neck, nervously, as he looks at Tauheed for help who was smirking at his misery.

"I didn't name her yet". He said, hesitant


"We found her in the wrong place. She was in doctor care until a day before". He explained briefly not wanting to disclose the rest of the information

She nodded, understanding that whatever last mission they went to was not only bad, it was horrible. Even when Tauheed came home that day he was disoriented. He kept mumbling and she didn't get a chance to say more.

She looks at the small baby, placing her head on her chest, as she plays with her hair. His eyes take in the sight as he remembers how he once wished for a happy family. This image of the woman who enters his heart along with a baby that rules over it- that will be great.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, as she place the baby in her bed and he stands leaning on her room door not wanting to disrespect her and he knows her brother is lurking around somewhere

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