Chapter 4

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10 days later


I have been working at the bar for about 6 weeks now and I guess I've been earning my keep because the owner just decided to give me Friday night off. He said I should go out and be a kid for a night. I wanted to tell him I hadn't been able to be a kid for over a year now but I knew what he meant. He meant I should go out and blow off some steam.

Luckily Daniel, my neighbor who got me the job at the bar, also has off tonight and he told me there is a party tonight at one of the local colleges. Part of me wonders if maybe it is at Harvard and if Grey will be there but then I think about how miserable she looked at the bar and decide that a party is probably the last place she'll be. It's for the best if she isn't there. I need to stay away from her. I just need to keep reminding myself that she is better off without me in her life. She is already so sad for some reason and the last thing she needs is for me to come into her life and bring her more misery.

Daniel and I leave for the party around 10 and a part of me is relieved when he tells me the party is not at Harvard but then he tells me it is at Lesley College and I remember that is where Sam goes to school. He then goes on to tell me that Shelby, the hot blond, from the first night I met Grey is the one who invited him. He doesn't say whether Sam and Grey are going to be there or not and I don't ask because I decide it is best I don't know. I know either way I'll be disappointed.

We get to the house the party is being held at and as soon as we get inside I head straight for the drinks. I didn't smoke any pot today and my body is craving something to get rid of all the heaviness inside me. I grab a bottle of whisky and pour a couple shots for Daniel and me. No one seems to care and it seems like a free for all so I don't mind helping myself. We down the shots and the hot liquid immediately makes me feel better. I down another one and then I grab a beer and Daniel and I decide to make some rounds and meet some people. He wants to find Shelby so I let him go off and I begin to mingle alone. I feel a few girls staring at me as I walk by them but I don't stop to introduce myself. For some reason every time I look at one of those girls instead of seeing an easy lay or a quick distraction I see a pair of incredibly sad blue eyes staring into mine. She's everywhere and that combined with the weight of all the guilt that I already carry is practically suffocating me. I'm looking for an escape out of this house and into the fresh air outside when I see her and once I see her it's like I can breathe again.

I'm shocked that she's here but when I look to her right I see that Sam is standing next to her and I figure that Sam probably dragged her kicking and screaming here judging by the look on her face. There are a few guys standing there talking to them and I don't know why but I feel a smile creep onto my face when I see that Grey is completely ignoring the guy that is currently trying to hit on her. She says something to Sam then walks away and goes towards the drink table. Before I even know what is happening my feet are making their way towards her.

"So this is what Harvard girls do with their spare time" I say as I sneak up behind her. She jumps at the sound of my voice and then she turns to look at me.

"Hunter" she says breathless. "What are you doing here?"

"Enjoying the free alcohol" I say holding up my beer for her to see. She nods her head and then begins to chew on the inside of her cheek. I can tell she doesn't feel comfortable here and I want to try and help her relax but I'm not sure I know how. "I'm surprised to see you here" I say after a couple moments of silence pass us by.

"Why?" she asks curiously and I wonder if she doesn't realize how uncomfortable she seems in social situations.

"It just doesn't really seem like your scene."

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