Chapter 11

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Well I was right about it being a long night. I think I may have gotten a total of three hours of sleep before I gave up. It was only 7:30 in the morning when I woke up screaming for the third time and since I didn't go to sleep until about 4:30 I figured me getting sleep was a lost cause. I dragged myself out of bed at about 8:00 and I decided to give myself the day off from running and ended up calling my parents instead. I usually called them every Sunday to give them an update on my life so they didn't worry too much about me but of course they worried about me anyway.

"Grey?" my mom asked as she answered the phone. She was probably surprised I was calling this early. I usually didn't call them until later.

"Hey mom" I greet her.

"Is everything alright?" she asked her voice filled with concern.

"Everything's fine mom" I say trying to ease her. "Sorry for calling so early. I can call back later if you are busy."

"Oh no sweetie I'm never too busy for you. What's up?"

"Not much" I say trying to think back on my week and anything important that happened. All I can think about is what happened with Hunter yesterday but I can't tell my mom that. Not because she wouldn't understand but because she would be too excited about me moving on and make a big deal out of nothing or she would be overprotective and want to meet him. I'm not even sure what is happening with Hunter and I'm definitely not ready to move on so it's best I keep anything about Hunter to myself.

"Are you sure everything's alright sweetheart?" she asks me and her voice is filled with motherly concern. Of course she can tell something is off with me. She's always been very in-tune about things like that. There was a time when I told my mother everything and she was one of my best friends but that was before the accident. Before everything changed.

"Yea everything's fine" I lie. "It was just a long night last night." I regret the words as soon as they come out but I was so overtired I didn't even really think before I spoke.

"Are you having trouble sleeping again?" she asks and I can hear the fear in her voice. Since the accident there hasn't been a day that my parents haven't worried about me and I feel terrible about that. Their lives changed that day too and I know mine will never be the same but I have tried my best to make theirs as normal as possible. My parents have no idea that I haven't been able to sleep through the night without nightmares since the accident happened. I don't have the heart to tell them so I lie and tell them I'm fine.

"Oh no mom it's not that" I lie again trying to think fast on my feet. "Sam and I went out last night and we didn't get in until pretty late so I'm just a little tired."

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie" my mom says and I sigh when I realize she believed me. "Why don't you go back to bed then and get some rest?" she asks.

"I would but I have a lot of homework to do especially with midterms coming up."

"Of course you do" she says. "Well I'm sure you are going to do great on your exams. Your father and I are so proud of you."

"Thanks mom" I say trying to hold back some tears because the pride and love I hear in her voice is getting to me. "I should go soon but how is everything with you and dad?"

"Oh your dad and I are great. We miss you and your sister of course but other than that we are good" she says and I believe her. I wouldn't put it past her to lie in order to protect me but I can tell she is telling the truth this time.

"Good I'm glad" I say. "Tell dad I said hi and that I love him."

"Of course sweetie I will" she says and I'm about to say good bye when she interrupts me. "Well before I let you get to your studying I just wanted to tell you that I'm happy you and Sam went out last night Grey. I hope you had fun"

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