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I glanced over at Christian nervously as he started to spin one of my desk pens around with his fingers

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I glanced over at Christian nervously as he started to spin one of my desk pens around with his fingers. It was something that always mesmerized me, the way the pen flipped over then under before he spun it on top of the leveled area between the thumb and index finger.

It was something I was positive I couldn't do. I knew that already because I had tried before. Hard. Countless hours of YouTube videos later, I realized I just didn't possess the hand-eye coordination for it. Every time I gave it a go, the pen would end up across the room.

I couldn't understand why it fascinated me so much, but watching Christian do mindlessly do it was starting to turn me on.

"You visited Vadik?" I asked quietly. The pen continued to dance between his fingers as Christian gave me a nod.

"Before you ask, I'll assure you it went about as well as expected." He replied. "My blood is still boiling to be quite honest. The fucking dickwad was completely focused on Brad during the entirety of the meeting. Wouldn't even let me get a fucking word in."

Christian has started to pick up speed as he continued to flip the pen between his fingers.

"It turns out that Vadik owns a startup called Volodya Kolya." My eyebrows furrowed slightly when those words left his lips. It sounded familiar. "Brad was approached by this company some months back with a preposition for a job. Brad hadn't accepted it, but he did show some interest. Vadik explained to Brad that he wanted Brad to work alongside him. It sounded like he knew Brad knew Brad, like he had been keeping tabs on Brad for a very long time. Who's to say maybe since we were kids even, ya know?"

I gave Christian a nod. This was a lot of information to process straight out the jump. Christian gave me this uneasy feeling that there was still to everything. As my mind started to process the company name, I realized I had heard about them before.

There was a progression in newly developed software from that company, that put them on the map for one of the fastest growing IT businesses. They were responsible for creating security programming, but I wasn't sure on what specifics. I had actually read about them first in one of the magazines located at the lounge area of the Microsoft Store. This had to have been just a few months back. I'd brought in some faulty items I had ordered online, and the Microsoft team was working on getting those replaced for me. I just skimmed the magazine article, but the name Volodya Kolya stood out. The name had then continued to pop up here and there whenever I listened to the news.

"I have heard of the company before actually." I admitted to Christian. That perked him right up, yet he managed to keep the cool pen trick going.

"Are you serious? Am I the only one who hasn't heard of them before?" He asked me. All I could do was give him a shrug.

"I stumbled upon them by chance really. Afterwards, the name may have been brought up in one or two conversations. You're not involved in the IT scene anyways, I seriously doubted you would have crossed paths with them before." I explained. Christians tense muscles relaxed a bit as he processed my words. Once he gave me a nod, that's when he confirmed that my explanation had been sufficient enough for him. I didn't want to tell him that he just outright never gave a shit about news, and the only magazines he probably read in his entire existence were Playboy Exclusives.

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