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I understood the importance of the cops arriving at the scene, and bringing Vadik in

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I understood the importance of the cops arriving at the scene, and bringing Vadik in... yet my eyes never left my fathers.

There was a list of many things I could forgive.

Lies and deceit did not make that list.

Especially when it came to family.

I saw the visible pain etched into Brad's eyes, and I knew there was something here that we didn't know. Something here that neither my mother, nor my father, bothered to inform us of. There hadn't been many instances where Brad visibly showed his emotions... but tonight was one of them, and that's what fueled the disrespect directed towards our father.

"Tell me what the almighty fuck you're talking about." I asked Slav.

"This is not a conversation we should be having here. Let's get through the Gala, and we'll met at home." Slav replied. He had this distant look upon his face, as if he wasn't fully here anymore. It was a look I'd never seen my father present before.

"We'll meet at my place." Brad replied with equal harshness. His tone startled me. This was the first conversation in which Brad had ever spoken back to our father. I saw the distraught look in Slav's eyes, and I knew he was trying to hold it together. I'd never seen my father look so unsure.

"We're leaving now. We'll take Alex, his mother, Brad, Joan, and Derek with us. As soon as the main performances are over, I expect both you and mother at Brad's place." I spoke up. "But understand that this is the last chance I'm giving you to explain everything. And I mean everything. No half-assed truths this time. No bullshitting us. If I find out there is something either you, or mother are withholding from Brad and I, that will really be it for me. I will won't hesitate to leave. Leave this company. Leave my position here."

This was probably the first, and last time I would ever show my father this level of disrespect. I needed him to understand that I was serious. This was serious. Every decision he and my mother had done for the questionable "bettering" of Brad, was fucking serious. We were all grown ass fucking adults here. It was about time we acted like it.

I felt Brad's hand on my shoulder. "Come on. Let's go." Was all he said.

As soon as his hand fell from me, I turned around to follow Brad, and left Slav there with those security guards. We lead the group back up to the office we were in earlier. Alex's mother was still there, hunched over a chair looking just as wasted as we left her.

I wasn't even sure what to do with this drunk woman anymore.

"Brad, you take Derek and Joan back to your place. I'll drive Alex and his mother there." I spoke. Brad gave me a nod back, then showed Joan and Derek to the exit. The rest of us followed close behind.


I stole glances at Alex through my peripheral vision as I drove. He was staring out the window, while his fingers tapped impatiently against his knee. I placed my hand on his to still his restlessness, and he looked over at me. There was a weak smile that formed.

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