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"I could write an entire monologue on why tea is better than coffee

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"I could write an entire monologue on why tea is better than coffee."

"No one wants to hear it, Brad."

I was now seated across from Brad currently looking through some documents he had prepared for me, and Brad had been staring down at his untouched coffee for the last 10 minutes.

He gave me his ten thousandth sigh. "I would've taken water."

"You're so ungrateful."

Most of the documents I was looking at were just random plans he thought we should address ahead of time. Leave it to Brad to bring work on a leisure trip.

"Sorry for crashing your romantic dinner last night." He said after some time. "We ran into Derek on the way to the restaurant and it looked like he had somehow gotten the information of who reserved Chef Antoine's time. Derek was already halfway to you guys before we could even spring into action."

Well that explained why they busted through moments after Derek. I still didn't understand why he was climbing the terrace.

"I was going to shoot you a text to let you know we landed, but I- uh..." that was when Brad broke away. "I wanted, you know, like some time- alone time... with Joan... in Hawaii..."

Brad sounded like a 13 year old boy.

But I found it adorable nonetheless.

"So I guess you could say both of our romantic nights didn't go as planned." I replied. Brad gave me a nod. "Were you and Joan planning on doing the old Devils Tango on this trip?"

Brad immediately started choking.

On what you ask?

I could not tell you. I knew it wasn't the damn coffee.

"Oh my god Christian, no. First of all- we basically kinda just met."

I glanced up from the paperwork to give him a look. "Brad... this is rich coming from the guy who I've personally seen sleep with women he's met within the first five minutes."

Brad gasped at me. "I am no longer that man, you know that."

I couldn't help but laugh. Anyone who knew Brad ten years ago, knew that. To put it simply, Brad used to be confetti... now he was packaging peanuts. "Please tell me you guys have at least kissed?"

Brad suddenly fell suspiciously silent.

That was when I set all of my paperwork down. "Brad. Brad, look at me." I spoke sternly. He was avoiding my gaze like the plague. "Please tell me you've at least kissed this poor woman."

"Christian you can't- you can't rush the process." He tried to rebuttal with. "Plus, how long was it before you and Alex kissed?"

That one threw me off for a second there... but I managed a quick save.

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