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Christian and I sat in silence as we watched Derek try to pick himself up after crash landing into one of the tables

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Christian and I sat in silence as we watched Derek try to pick himself up after crash landing into one of the tables. The condiment sauces that were once perfectly displayed, were now all over the all white tablecloth and the front of Derek's god awful shirt.

And I mean god awful.

Just as I thought things couldn't get any more bizarre, the glass doors leading into the resort were thrown open. Joan came barging in with Brad close behind, but he looked more confused than any of us. Joan had this look on her face that I knew all too well. She was pissed.

Christian looked like he was about to say something, but Joan beat him to it.

"What if the fucking fuckery fuck is fucking wrong with you?" She snapped at Derek, stomping over to snag his ear between her fingers, giving it a good twist before she began dragging his injured and condiment covered self across the balcony area.

"I didn't mean to! I was just trying to get some of that bread! Listen you've got to hear me out here. It's called the Royal Bloomer. It's made with champagne and fucking gold. You hear that Joan? GOLD! Foodie Exclusive mentioned it in last year's catalog! When I heard that this resort chef could make it I just- I had to-"

This was where Christian decided to cut him off. "What in all living hell are you guys fucking doing here?" He asked everyone directly. The place grew silent. Joan started to say something, but caught herself before she could.

Brad was the only one who actually gave Christian a reply.

"It's a long story. John had extended the invite to me to go on my own vacation at the last minute. He's quite happy with the launch turn out. I wasn't going to go at first, but then I thought I'd just loosely asked if it would be okay for me to bring a plus one. He let me know that was fine, so I brought Joan... Joan and I... I- um, we- uh-" This was where Brad went from a professional to a blubbering idiot. "Well, you see- uh-"

"It's a romantic getaway package. We are here doing romantic shit together." Joan simplified. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that. What mischief were these two love birds getting into in Hawaii? And how could Joan not have called me immediately after she found out?

Then I thought about the fact that I had been on a plane for 10 hours, and everything made more sense.

Brad's face got increasingly red as soon as Christian and I started the wiggling of the eyebrows in his direction. It was the absolute cutest that his thought immediately went to Joan. And don't get me wrong, besides the few loosened strands of hair from grabbing Derek, my girl looked a goddamn ten. Even during this insane run in, it looked like Brad couldn't stop himself from stealing glances her way.

She was in a long sundress that had a tropical print design. Her hair was pulled back into a perfect pin up style with a brooch I bought her as a Secret Santa gift. It was supposed to be a joke because she once made a comment on how brooches are for old people. Her birthday just so happens to land around Christmas, and I'm her asshole best friend, so... yeah. It was crazy how great it actually looked on her.

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