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Double upload because I forgot to yesterday!


Christian pulled the rest of the shirt down, and it fell to the ground

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Christian pulled the rest of the shirt down, and it fell to the ground. When he started in on unbuttoning my dress pants, my hands reached down to stop him.

"I r-really can do t-this myself." I stumbled over my own words. His grin only grew as he pulled me in even closer to him.

I thought he was going to dip down for a kiss, but his lips instead went to the lobe of my ear. "Do you not want me to touch you?" He growled against me. I visibly shuddered. His words alone gave me a complete hard on.

"I-It's not- that's not-" I started. When his fingers grazed against my cock, a moan escaped my lips. This was not the fucking time or place for this... and I hated the fact that my body was happily rebelling against my mind.

Before I could do anything further, Christian withdrew away from me. "It's damn near fucking impossible to tease you when you make sounds like that. I'm one moan away from taking you right here right now in this fucking closet."

All those words did was make me even hornier.

"However, our of respect for my brother and this situation, that will just have to wait." He sighed to himself. My eyes disobeyed me as Christian started to pull his own clothing off. He began rummaging through some of Brad's clothes till he found both him and myself a shirt.

The one he handed me felt incredibly soft to touch. It was a Dropkick Murphy's band shirt. The shirt Christian slipped on himself had the members from AC/DC on it. It fit Christian almost perfectly, but when I put Brad's shirt up over me, it was practically a dress on my smaller frame.

"Yikes, I completely forgot Brad's a fucking giant. I don't think he has any pants that might fit. Are you okay with staying in your trousers?" He asked me. I gave him a nod.

He then started to unbutton and take off his own pants. He found a set of sweats folded neatly on one of Brad's top shelves.

With Christian in nothing but boxers, I noticed his own arousal. "Stop looking at me like I'm a piece of meat." Christian teased. I rolled my eyes at him, and made my past him towards the door. His hand reached out last minute to pull me back towards his frame. That was when he tilted my head up for a kiss. I leant into it almost immediately.

He pulled away seconds later which left me longing for more.

"Let's make it back downstairs." Christian smiled.

I gave him a nod in return. "Especially before my mum starts finding shit to pawn."


"Brad, what is all this green shit?" Derek asked as soon as he opened Brad's fridge. Brad got up and followed him into the kitchen.

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