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Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you for 100k on my book! It means the entire world to me. I put my heart and soul into this book and I can't tell you how rewarding it feels to have this many reads, votes, and comments. It makes it all the more meaningful. I appreciate every single one of you, even the ones who don't vote or comment or anything!!! For all of you saying you hope I take up writing as a profession, that is not what I'm doing. I'm a licensed Phlebotomist but I still focus really hard on writing. At this moment, I have so many ideas that I can barely contain myself! So, there's a lot of things to look forward to in the future! So, like, if you maybe want to... follow me so you're aware of what's going on :)

Keep reading, because I have a couple of treats for you at the end! But, before that, let me shamelessly promote my other books and then inform you of my ideas to come! So, I've recently gotten into Harry Potter (who hasn't, thanks Dracotok) and I've been writing some stories about that! I have Blinding, which is the first Draco story I wrote. It's finished but, it's not the best, I will admit, because I didn't know as much about HP as I do now. I still like it, though! So, go give it a read pls <3 I've recently posted another one that's a lot better, but I'm still not completely content with how I wrote it... ok I'm gonna shut up because I'm going to make you not wanna read it. It's better and I'm proud of it too, it's called Follow You! As of right now I only have around 15 chapters posted, but it's finished. I post a chapter everyday! It has 42 chapters in total, with an Introduction and Epilogue!

Now, I have already completed The Edge, about Spider-Man, based on the PS4 game. Peter Parker is casted as John Bubniak, who is the character model for the game. I think of him as an older MCU Peter Parker, though, so an older Tom Holland's Spider-Man. He's been through the same experiences, but he's 23. The only differences are May is different, and Tony is still alive. So, Thanos never happened in this universe. It's the storyline of the Sinister Six, with my oc played by Katherine McNamara named Holland Bradford. It's a good one, and I love it's playlist!

BTW, all my stories have playlists on Spotify. They'll be under my account, itslike4am/Sarah Jones. They're labeled with the story names and the initials of the character they're about. I think they're great! The playlist for this story is "Heartlines | SR" if you search that or just find my account under itslike4am, you'll find it!

I also have Decode about Alex from CoDMW19, Breath of Life about LoZBoTW, Seven Devils about an au Sebastian Stan, Remain Nameless about Michael Langdon from AHS, then I have two called Dead To Me and Find Me about Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low that I wrote what feels like decades ago. All of those are not that good because my writing has skyrocketed in it's quality since I wrote those, but... I mean, you can give them a read lol but I'm just warning you about the quality OK. ok.

Now, the future. Sorry, we're getting to the surprise. You're gonna love it okay I promise just bare with me. You might be excited to know that I have lots of ideas. I still want to write another Draco Malfoy fic, one that has nothing to do with the other two. Then, I wanna write one about Fred Weasley. That might come before the next Draco fic idk yet. We'll just see how it goes! The next book that I've begun working on will be about Tom Riddle! I have ideas for a Mattheo Riddle fic-- credit to Yasmine Amaro for creating that character-- that will be a continuation of the Tom Riddle story in some fashion. It's a continuation in the sense of my oc in the Tom Riddle book will be mentioned and crucial to the storyline for that book. She won't be as huge of a part, though. I probably won't stop there with the Harry Potters, but that's enough to keep me going for the future lol. I also have planned an entire Star Wars trilogy, which I'm really excited for but I'm on my HP kick right now so I have to bear through that until it's over lmfao. All of those stories already have Introductions and covers, but I don't want to post them until I get them mostly done, because I don't wanna be that person who deletes a book people enjoy because I just stopped writing it.

Heartlines | Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now