15. Get used to her

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Arjun Pov

Divya, she so crazy. I know everything she do or try to do. She is the most obvious person I ever meet. But still pretending I don't know.

I found her so interesting. She always smiling, playing around and she look like happy kid which I found the most difficult thing to do.

She never scares or hesitate to show her love which is I lack. I really admire her for that. I always feel comfortable with her and sometimes I being rude to her as I still learning to express myself.

I will speak from my heart and being myself whenever I'm with her. I never filter my words or think when I spoke to her.

But with other people including my families I have to think before speak, always careful to maintain the reputation and family's honours and respect. I usually being sarcastic and wear fake smile with others without their knowledge. It is one of thing that I good at. It is unspoken rules in wealthy family, to never show your real self.

I feel free and genuinely smile with Divya as she never bother my rudeness or my disinterest. She always come back to me although face many rejection and ignorance from me.

Most of important thing she know how to make my mood better.

At first she like unwanted trouble for me later unconsciously I always anticipated her presence. I felt warm when seeing her face lit up as soon she saw me and never forget to greet me with full of happiness and love in her eyes. It's become my habit to check my phone to see her good morning message and good night message.

She is the most laziest stalker I ever saw. She wake up at 10am probably as her message comes around that time and sleep around 11pm. Her caring and her full attention to me makes feel weird and I like it.

I hates body contact and also never shows my emotions in front of other's. Even if I didn't like it what they did or said as I will maintain blank expression. But with her, it's feel normal to have kinship and open up. It's feel stange.

She never ask me how is my day but always ask me what was the highlights of your day with genuine enthusiasm to know.

If Vinay or anyone said they had bad day. She will says, hey appreciate your day as you not having toothache and your kidney is still working. Then she will laugh. She is hugger. If someone's she know being sad, she will hug them for a seconds without saying anything. She even hug Vinay and comfort him despite always fight with him. Maybe this the reason he like her. She now get along with him after he talk to her about his feelings towards Sandya in library. I can see that she acknowledge his feeling but she didn't said anything to him.

She become my entertainment in my hectic life. She really short, she barely reach my chest. She will get angry if anyone call her short or dwarf as she think she is in normal height not short. She mostly cannot reach many books at library so she have to stand on her toes or dragging me all the way to get the books.

She will smile and wink at stranger while passing a compliment. She said it can bring a happiness to them even for a mini second. She is really weird and adorable at same time.

She will bring all the books she found at library and keep on the table but won't even touch them. When I ask why, she said it's to use as shield and hide her when she eating secretly at library.

I can see that she get hurt with my words sometimes but it will only stay for few minutes as she will back to herself.

I know she get bully because of me, i expected she to said to me or give up on me but she didn't. Its felt special and i acknowledged her never give up character and forgiving. She doesn't carry baggage and forgive people easily. I likes her carefree spirit, innocence, cuteness, her rambling, her love for me and everything about her.

Her Innocent Love जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें