40. His birthday gift

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Divya Pov

I tried to talk with Arjun to clear the misunderstanding of previous days before leave him but Arjun becomes busy with his research.

He look busy and happy at same time. I heard from Vinay that Arjun get approval from MHRA for his research. He also told me, if everything goes well Arjun may go to Australia for testing his research medicines.

Every year on his birthday I gave him a gift of something I like or something I feel look good on him. This time I wanted gift something he liked. I hope everybody will cooperate with me. Keep secret until his birthday. I need to talk with everyone before that.

I wanted to celebrate his birthday this year after saw his previous birthday celebration. It's was my first birthday functions I was participate. Sandya and me never fond to celebrates our birthday or went to other people's birthday. I join his birthday because I was married to him last year. The only thing I didn't expect it would be his last birthday celebrations with me.

I organised everything according his likes. I did put a lot of effort since last one months. I hope Arjun will like this events as much I do.

I talked to his grandparents, his uncles and aunt. Dad and Aatharvaa still haven't come back to home. Yamuna was busy with her fashions weeks event.

At first, they showing no interest  but after I said it's about Arjun. They were taking the seat for name sake. When I  told them about divorce, everybody face was lit up and this is the first time they look happy in my presence. That time, I understand and realised my happiness give them sadness.

I don't want to hurt anybody because of my love. If everyone is happy and that is enough for me. So this is the right thing to do. I also asked them to keep secret from Arjun as I will tell him by myself in his birthday.

Later night, I went to Yamuna's room and she look shock as I never come to her room. I told her that I have something important to tell her. She nodding her head and asked me to continue. I told her the same which I told her family in morning. She look flabbergasted and ask me to talk with Arjun before coming to conclusion.

This is the first time she talked to me. She is not bad as I thought. Maybe she also introvert type like Arjun.

I told to my two important people, Sandya and Vinay about my decision. They were protest and tell me this is the most stupidest decision I ever make. But I still stand on my point and tell them about Arjun and Sadhana were kissing. It's means they both love each other and how his family look happy with my decisions.

Vinay told me it's must be misunderstanding because the person Arjun love is me. Since I  am not in mood to listening. I cut off him and request him to not give me any hopes because everytime my hope shatter it leave me with so much pains.

I know Vinay tell this because he want me to change my decisions and also because he love and don't want to see me get hurt. Therefore, I told them that I will really happy if Arjun also happy and he will happy if I disappear from his life.

Finally, I able to convinced both of them and also asked them to keep secret from Arjun. I tell my plan to going to India after his birthday and request them to not tell  anyone especially to Arjun. I know he will try to find me after know the real reason I fight with Sadhana. He will wanted to ask my forgiveness for him and for Sadhana's behalf. Tell him that I forgive both of them and wish them happy life together.

Later, I went to meet Sadhana to asked her a favour to invite Arjun to his birthday function that I arranged. Arjun didnt talk to me and I scared he will reject if I'm the one inviting him.I told her about my decision and I wanted to celebrate his birthday for the last time as he will her's after that.

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