52. Stay with me

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Divya Pov

From that kiss, I couldn't behave normal with Arjun. Everytime I looked at him, my eyes automatically went to his lips and our kissed were keep playing in my mind like a broken tape. It's hard to stay focus when I am with Arjun.

Although I'm not really very sure about Arjun's feeling towards me but I'm sure he were attracted to me maybe sexually. Since I am the only girl he were comfortable and now he in cold war with Sadhana. Probably because of that he kiss me.

Today, I received call from orphanage saying mother suddenly collapsed and need to do surgery urgently.

I was reckless and for now I don't really have any money with me. Most part of my salary  will go to Mother's medicines expenses and remaining are for my expenses. I couldn't save money like before.

I have informed to do surgery, we need three lakhs for operation and two lakhs more for ward expenses and medicines.

I don't know what to do. I cannot asked Sandya too because though her in laws accepted her but they still treat like a stranger. I'm scared and I don't know how to collect that big amount in this short period. I was in deep thinking then I saw Arjun walking crossing me.

Arjun! Yes Arjun. He have a lot of money. I can ask his help. But, what will he think of me?. We just only move to next level and now by asking this we will back to starting point. He will hate me and me asking this much money will only proven all their comments about me. I don't want to lose him anymore.

After thinking for awhile, I came to decision to swallow my pride for mother. I cannot play and take risk on her health.

For Arjun, I just don't know. I will left to the fate. If we have destiny to be together then we will doesn't matter what.

With heavy heart, I walked towards his table and without wasting time I asked his favour. I cleared my throat to grab his attention and when he looked at me.

"Ar..jun, Arjun! I need to....ask...your...fa..vour". I paused and takes deep breath. "I...I...actually...hurm...actually...need...5...lakh...hmm...I....want to....borrow...money from you". I stuttering and closed my eyes after finish that hard sentences.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Arjun looked at me with shock expression and questioning look. I have no idea what else to say so I just rooted at my place looking down.

I heard he sighed and clear his throat. I look at him with guilty and sad eyes.

He composed himself.
"Will you tell me why you need that much money suddenly?". He asked me. I shake my head as no. I don't want him to know I wanted money for my mother.

He just look at me for a minute than he sighed heavily.

"Okay. I will give you five lakh but I need something from you if you want money from me. Will you do it?". He asked me.

I blink my eyes to register his words. 'What he want from me? I don't have anything with me'. I thought in my mind. I'm so curious and I don't really have other choice to reject him. So I accept it.

"Sure, I will do anything you ask me. Please help me this time. I really need the money urgently". I said to him

"Ok then, I will transfer the money to your account now". He said while grabbing his phone.

"You can check your account, I already transfer the money". He said to me.

I quickly went to my desk and check my account. True to his words. He transfer six lakh in my account. I also transfer all that money back to Ms. Kavitha who is taking care of mother.

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