Chapter 23 - Double Day Dare or Dare

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Chapter 23 - Double Day Dare or Dare

I've been sick all day. I've been laying in bed all day. I've barely been able to eat all day. And let me tell you it's boring as hell.

I'm having cramps or pain or something in my lower right stomach. I've lost my appetite, been nauseous and have a slight fever.

The guys and Ashley come and visit every once in a while. During lunch, in between classes and free periods. They brought me soup and food which I haven't eaten.

"Oh gosh," I cover my mouth and grab my trash can before throwing up in it. Over and over. Once I'm sure I'm done I lay back into bed and stare at the ceiling.

Nick's POV
"Nick I don't think ice cream is good for sick people," Ashley complains.

"I think we should let Storm be the judge of that," I retort as the guys, Ashley and I walk to Storm's dorm.

She's been sick with a stomach ache. Probably a bug or food poisoning from the cafeteria. It's happened many times before. They make good food but they need to work on cross contamination.

"Storm," Ashley cries as she walks into the room.

The guys and eye shoot a quick glance at each other before running in. Storm is sitting up, looking half dead, drenched in sweat. This does not look like food poisoning.

"Thunder," Chris says quickly pushing through us to sit next to her holding her in his arms. I think Chris really loves Storm and I mean love love.

"Here," JJ says, getting the thermometer and handing it to Chris. He slowly puts it in her ear whispering to her in her other ear.

"38.9," Chris says right when it beeps.

"That's high. Hey Storm," JJ says kneeling in front of her.

"What hurts," he asks.

"My stomach. I threw up," she groans pointing to the right side of her stomach.

"Appendix," Chris and JJ blurt out.

"It has to be appendicitis. Let's get her to the hospital," Chris says. They help Storm throw on a sweater and sweatpants then help her up.

"I can walk," she groans, getting up. After a few steps she faints but Chris is quick to catch her.

"Call an ambulance," JJ says.


"Chris calm down," Sam says patting his back.

"I c-can't, she's in surgery. Why didn't we take her to the doctor earlier," he asks.

"Appendicitis is common and an easy fix," I try to assure him.

"I had it at 12," JJ says. We're all in Storm's room waiting for her. She's getting an appendectomy; it usually takes an hour, they said. It's been 45 minutes.

A doctor soon walks into the room with his clipboard.

"How is she," Ashley asks.

"There were complications with the surgery I'm sorry she didn't make it," he retorts

Chris instantly freezes and his fist clenched while Ashley breaks down in tears.

"She had low chances of making it and her heart was weak. I'm sorry there's nothing we can do. Especially for a patient in their 80s," the doctor finishes off.

"Huh," I ask.

"What," Chris says.

"In her 80s?" JJ questions.

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