Chapter 26 - Half Siblings

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Chapter 26 - Half-Siblings

"Think they'll like it," Cam asks, carrying a giant blue box covered in present wrapping.

"Of course they will," I answer, while carrying an identical giant green box.

"Race ya," he yells running down the pathway.

"Hell, I'm in heels," I yell back.

"I'll take that for you," Sam says, grabbing the box from me.

"Thanks. Where is your gift," I ask Sam, noticing him empty handed.

"Already on the yacht, I'm just here helping the lost," he jokes.

"Well thanks," I smile as we walk up the steps.

You're probably confused. It's JJ's and Nick's birthday and they're throwing their party on a yacht. Although considering I helped set up, I threw it. Everyone had practices and tests so I volunteered.

"Happy Birthday you two!" I yell as I approach the group. Sam gently places my gift on the table of stacked presents.

"Do you ever think in a parallel universe you guys are twins," I ask.

"How the fuck does that make sense. Different parents and everything," Chris says killing my fun. But he's got a point.

"I don't know, just the way my mind works. Anything's possible," I answer.

"Don't be a party pooper lad. Fetch me a drink," Nick exaggerates in the worst British accent ever while throwing an arm over my shoulder.

"Yes darling, be a doll and fetch us a drink," I laugh in my horrible British accent and Nick and I skip away from them.

"What's up Nicky," I ask as we reach a table.

"Sing," he says.

"What," I ask.

"Sing, with Chris. You both have beautiful voices," he pleads.

"I don't know," I reply, I have a huge stage fright.

"For me, please," he whispers.

"Um sure, only if Chris is doing it," I sigh. Guess I'm singing tonight.

"Yes! I love you," he shouts, wrapping me in a tight hug and lifting me off my feet.

"Nick!" I squeal and he puts me back down.

"Now we just have to convince Chris," he whispers to himself.

"Good luck with that," I say walking over to a lonely Sam.

"Sammy!" I shout and he turns around.

"What's up," he asks.

"You, bored. Let's dance," I say dragging his hand to the dance floor. He strangely obliges to dancing and we dance.

"KARAOKE!" Nick yells into a microphone causing everyone's hands to fly to their ears at the sudden outburst. "Sorry," he whispers.

"For our first song we have thee Chris Walker and Storm Campbell," he says and spotlights point towards Chris across the room and then to me with Sam.

"Um now?" I look towards him.

"Yes," he smiles. I look over to Chris to see no emotion on his face. I guess this is Nick's way of asking him.

"Five minutes, do someone else first," I shout walking over to Chris.

"Did you know about this," he says.

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