Chapter 9 - Matching SWEATSUITS!

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Chapter 9 - Matching SWEATSUITS!

I lay on the top of the roof of the gift shop. Staring up at the stars. It's beautiful. Twinkle twinkle little star is funny to me because stars don't twinkle. The boys went to climb a roller coaster so I sat out for that one. There's only so high I can go.

I heard footsteps coming in behind me but I don't bother looking to see who it is. I see the figure through my peripheral vision lying next to me shoulder touching mine. I breathe in the familiar cologne of spicy lemon. Gosh I have to find out what cologne he uses.

"Hey," he whispers.

"Hi," I reply.

I did think about why he could be mad. He was fine until he heard me apologize to Evan. Maybe that's why.

"Do you think when someone dies they become a star, so they're never forgotten," I find myself asking. Through my peripheral vision he turns his head to look at me but I still look to the stars above us.

"I think the brightest stars are our loved ones watching over us," he sighs.

"Like that one," I point to a bright star.

"Yeah," he breathes.

"I think if my mom were a star she'd be the brightest one," I whisper. But then I quickly realize what I'd said and get up to sit on the edge.

Chris gets up and joins me by the edge. Our legs dangle in the air. Just think in one swift move I'd plummet to the ground.

"You know my mom always said forgive. Holding grudges always stresses you out more. She always said "you can forgive but want nothing to do with the person and move on. Or hold a grudge and always think about them,"" I say.

"So that's why-," he started but I interrupted him.

"Why I forgave Evan. I don't want anything to do with him but holding a grudge is like holding unnecessary pain and stress. Well in this situation there's no pain," I admit.

"There's pain in your situation sometimes," he asks.

I turn my head his way to see him staring at me. I can partially see his face in the moonlight. He hazel green eyes glistening in the night.

"Yeah," I whisper. "We can't choose what hurts us but we can choose how we deal with it," I continue.

"And forgiveness is one step closer to healing," I add in.

Chris states to me , searching my face but I turn away looking into the night sky. I then see who I believe is Nick climbing a roller coaster. I take out my disposable camera to snap a picture.

"My dad hates me," I admit. I don't know why I'm telling Chris all this but he's easy to talk to.

"I'm sure he does-" I cut him off.

"I know what you're going to say. I'm sure he loves you and doesn't know how to express it or you're probably spoiled and all that bullshit," I say looking towards him.

"I was daddy's little girl," I laugh.

"He used to have tea parties and dress up with me. I'd bake his favourite cookies with my mom so he could have them when he worked extra hours. He'd stay up with me when I was sick and once a month we'd go out to our favourite restaurant and eat together," I continue.

"But one day it just stopped, no more restaurants, no staying with me while sick and making me laugh, never thanked or ate my cookies, hell he doesn't even look at me the same," I explain.

A laugh breaks out of my mouth. Why I don't know. I look over at Chris to see concern etch his face. I probably look really weird right now.

"It's just one of those things, I guess," I say through laughter.

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